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KEVIN POKORNY si Recorded Return To I KCl OKOaxx SINGLE PERSON y <br />US Recordings, Inc ),f <br />28q9�,,26 Country �nve Ste 201 <br />AbUNfds� 66217 S ADDRESS <br />MASON a eeemuaT <br />GGAdpN UCRPU n pea wmTk ai rT xtw ieLY4eeri uv afinefertaOb,Np � <br />508 11 -1166 <br />'TRUSTEE <br />naderatlon ear Ibe loan or ooh arnare Pit sa mntlat n her nafter specified antl any fut adva or Ut c Ohllga tiu ns, ae dehned <br />hotels, may heremulter be advanced u cored and tpa trust hur inaffer formulated antl other goad and valuable Consideration, the <br />receipt and uoifirlency of which are thereby acknowledged, Gellert hereby irrevocably warrants, bargains, sells, transfers, gre0wr conveys and <br />Ssigns to Trustee, his successors and assigns, IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE for the benefit and Security of <br />Its also NATIONAL ASIECI TInN NL_.. _ 'Lander "I, the <br />beneficiary under this Deetl of Trust, under antl subject t0 the terms and conditions I del forth, with right of entry and possession ell of <br />Grantor's present old future estrus, right title and interest In and Ed Nereal property described In Schedule A which Is sloshed to this Dead Of <br />Trust and Incorporated therein M this reference, twormer with all present and future Improvements and details, all tangible personal property <br />including without limitation all Machinery, oa uurld"I building materials, and goods of every nature (exclu Jing consumer goods) no or <br />hereafter located o used in with 16e real property, whether o riot affixed to tthe. land; privileges, thereditamen¢ and <br />appurtenances Indudingr all collo aced arights associated with the Pmperry, whether previously or subsequently transferred to the Property <br />from Other real Industry or now or hereafter susceptible of transfer from this Property to dear real property; scolds, licenses antl other <br />agreements; rent& issues and pmlive water wall, ditch, reservoir and mineral rights and stacks Performing to the real property fCamulatively <br />"Property'),- to have antl in hold the Pruti and tine rights thereby granted for the use and benefit of Lander, his successors and assigns, card <br />Payment In full of all Obligations Featured thereby. <br />Mor a in Lothar consideration, Grantor Polar fur Grantor and Grantor's heirs, representatives and assigns, hereby expressly warrant, <br />and agree with Leader and Trustee and their successors and assigns as 1C llo nos'. <br />1.V OSLIGATIONS. This Deed of Trust shall secure the payment and performance of all preenor and future indebtedness, leserttlee, obligations <br />and covenants of Borrower of Grantor Icurnulaovely " Obligations I to Lender pursuant to <br />(a) this Deed of trust and the fallowing promissory notes and otM1er agreements: <br />PRIwCWALSMODNiI Nod: MAIM" NU <br />wrarr AGMEWNTAkT DATE i1_ MKR , <br />15,000.00 05/10/02 05/10/32 00003000054875 <br />ibl all other present or tutus, writWn egreomonts wltM1 Lender that refer specifically fu this Deed of Trust (whether executed for the same <br />at different purposes than the fa tot iegl; <br />Id any gear's. of obligations at other parties <br />op given to Longer n to t fit if hereafter de(Ofterhatmfers fir IMe Deed of Trust <br />1J1 future e OF e whether obligatory an optional to the 9Gme extent es if at if e of the aneortio with the ..... <br />ofcoal of this Deep is <br />Trusq mare or hall of extended on behalf of Grantor or of all deb map under agrees m eot one the notwithstanding thra fact ha a Ilse ti a to nne lien be NIs <br />Oaod Of Trust shell ne nobs until maybe in full of all tlebt o a under tine linterm othis D the fact that Item time W time of s before <br />termination the Cl no balance may be couleeading_ At no lime ding during <br />acre farm advanced Dead a to protect the e security e [thereof shall the <br />unpaid exceed d Lee following su principal Suture advances not including sums edveneetl m Lender to protect Lne iof this Deed of <br />to at, a eetl the following n E tt o� 0.ep This provlslon shall not cans6fufa an obligation upon or commitment of Lender <br />ill amendments advances m bane to Gmeadif and <br />E) all amrndmen s e1, n newels, and for rower, shall a or also earn n3 to any of the !meowing_ <br />As used In this Paragraph 1 the Rams Grantor and Borrower shall include and also moan any Grantor or Borrower if more than one. <br />2. REPRESENTATIONS. WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Grantor remesana, warrants slid covenants to LOntler that: <br />Sal Grantor has ton Simple marketable title to the Property and shall maima;n the Property free of all liens, secwiry Interests, encumbrances <br />and claims except for this Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule R," uGh is xTrahad to this Lead of Trust and incorporated herein <br />by reference, which Gra MO/ agrees to nay and perform In a timely manner, <br />I61 Grantor Is in comphuring, it GII restarge with all appllcabla federal, state and It laws and regulations, including, without limrmtian, <br />those rotating to Ha>ardnus Matcrelf as defined herein, and other environmental matters (the "Envimnroental laws'), and neither the <br />fai government n any seiner govammenlal or queer governmental wenrey has afiled a lien on the Property, r e there any <br />governmental, Itutinal o nor ar with readout to envimnmemal matters pending, o o the bast of the Grantor s knowledge, <br />tlo ns <br />threatened, which involve the Property of Neither Grantor n s m the best of d herein s knowledge, any other party has used, ported any <br />seq Discharges emend of <br />,)the disposed pe any Graerdoue Materials m it or tl herein, b sedan oath the <br />ak n in the or transported T ter eny <br />Noadandu Materials l m or l me the Property. ce, shall o mil Or permit such r es re ro regulated taken 10 OV future. The term <br />"HOmNwus Materiels" shall 1) any substance, or II material , o able wM1ich Is or becomes regWatad by my govemmems materials <br />thonry <br />including, ato but rdt r d as m, gl hazardous sub tlf) substance hie or ant to aSe asbestos IIUI Clear) Water Act a, liyls; lip [Face substances, Section 07 01 <br />of ea Water Act ore a aorta " pursuant s Seaton statutes; dv of tse Clean Water eru or is or aster d m Section 30J of the <br />Olean Wafer Act or any Amendments r) 1004 of tin Resourc eCo to mane and Recovery Iv) those substances r Any amendments , r to te o s define) as a thazardous <br />w'sersuborrsectionfcoq mm a Rees defined as amn and su Act or anyrsuto nor ion 101 reef hamammamend <br />En <br />waste substances, materials antes deg lea a any Amendments d nts or rep) emormit m Seaton io1 0l thn Comprehensive stator <br />Environmental Prepare, Comp or Ordinance and Liability eresor any amentl meats or rcplaeemeasa m that statute or eas miner similar stem m <br />federal rs statute, rule, regulation or o mory r now or hereafter in effort. Srantor ill not lease or Permit me sublease ptunc Property m a <br />plant nt nor Su bten cot wM1OSe operations may result m cw nta min atiun of We Property with HNartl nut Materials or toxic su bs locos; <br />T N <br />Ig <br />2 <br />tl X <br />n <br />6 O <br />o <br />o <br />fall <br />I <br />q <br />1 <br />rid an <br />2 <br />\I <br />N <br />^� <br />E <br />I <br />r� <br />_ ES r I <br />fro <br />Pt <br />rr <br />P <br />r_ <br />O <br />[ > <br />W <br />U <br />GET- <br />N <br />y <br />O <br />3 <br />cJ <br />00 <br />L <br />Y <br />Ul <br />m <br />N im <br />So <br />O <br />NEBRASKA <br />00003000054e75 <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />00493//SLM79 <br />KEVIN POKORNY si Recorded Return To I KCl OKOaxx SINGLE PERSON y <br />US Recordings, Inc ),f <br />28q9�,,26 Country �nve Ste 201 <br />AbUNfds� 66217 S ADDRESS <br />MASON a eeemuaT <br />GGAdpN UCRPU n pea wmTk ai rT xtw ieLY4eeri uv afinefertaOb,Np � <br />508 11 -1166 <br />'TRUSTEE <br />naderatlon ear Ibe loan or ooh arnare Pit sa mntlat n her nafter specified antl any fut adva or Ut c Ohllga tiu ns, ae dehned <br />hotels, may heremulter be advanced u cored and tpa trust hur inaffer formulated antl other goad and valuable Consideration, the <br />receipt and uoifirlency of which are thereby acknowledged, Gellert hereby irrevocably warrants, bargains, sells, transfers, gre0wr conveys and <br />Ssigns to Trustee, his successors and assigns, IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE for the benefit and Security of <br />Its also NATIONAL ASIECI TInN NL_.. _ 'Lander "I, the <br />beneficiary under this Deetl of Trust, under antl subject t0 the terms and conditions I del forth, with right of entry and possession ell of <br />Grantor's present old future estrus, right title and interest In and Ed Nereal property described In Schedule A which Is sloshed to this Dead Of <br />Trust and Incorporated therein M this reference, twormer with all present and future Improvements and details, all tangible personal property <br />including without limitation all Machinery, oa uurld"I building materials, and goods of every nature (exclu Jing consumer goods) no or <br />hereafter located o used in with 16e real property, whether o riot affixed to tthe. land; privileges, thereditamen¢ and <br />appurtenances Indudingr all collo aced arights associated with the Pmperry, whether previously or subsequently transferred to the Property <br />from Other real Industry or now or hereafter susceptible of transfer from this Property to dear real property; scolds, licenses antl other <br />agreements; rent& issues and pmlive water wall, ditch, reservoir and mineral rights and stacks Performing to the real property fCamulatively <br />"Property'),- to have antl in hold the Pruti and tine rights thereby granted for the use and benefit of Lander, his successors and assigns, card <br />Payment In full of all Obligations Featured thereby. <br />Mor a in Lothar consideration, Grantor Polar fur Grantor and Grantor's heirs, representatives and assigns, hereby expressly warrant, <br />and agree with Leader and Trustee and their successors and assigns as 1C llo nos'. <br />1.V OSLIGATIONS. This Deed of Trust shall secure the payment and performance of all preenor and future indebtedness, leserttlee, obligations <br />and covenants of Borrower of Grantor Icurnulaovely " Obligations I to Lender pursuant to <br />(a) this Deed of trust and the fallowing promissory notes and otM1er agreements: <br />PRIwCWALSMODNiI Nod: MAIM" NU <br />wrarr AGMEWNTAkT DATE i1_ MKR , <br />15,000.00 05/10/02 05/10/32 00003000054875 <br />ibl all other present or tutus, writWn egreomonts wltM1 Lender that refer specifically fu this Deed of Trust (whether executed for the same <br />at different purposes than the fa tot iegl; <br />Id any gear's. of obligations at other parties <br />op given to Longer n to t fit if hereafter de(Ofterhatmfers fir IMe Deed of Trust <br />1J1 future e OF e whether obligatory an optional to the 9Gme extent es if at if e of the aneortio with the ..... <br />ofcoal of this Deep is <br />Trusq mare or hall of extended on behalf of Grantor or of all deb map under agrees m eot one the notwithstanding thra fact ha a Ilse ti a to nne lien be NIs <br />Oaod Of Trust shell ne nobs until maybe in full of all tlebt o a under tine linterm othis D the fact that Item time W time of s before <br />termination the Cl no balance may be couleeading_ At no lime ding during <br />acre farm advanced Dead a to protect the e security e [thereof shall the <br />unpaid exceed d Lee following su principal Suture advances not including sums edveneetl m Lender to protect Lne iof this Deed of <br />to at, a eetl the following n E tt o� 0.ep This provlslon shall not cans6fufa an obligation upon or commitment of Lender <br />ill amendments advances m bane to Gmeadif and <br />E) all amrndmen s e1, n newels, and for rower, shall a or also earn n3 to any of the !meowing_ <br />As used In this Paragraph 1 the Rams Grantor and Borrower shall include and also moan any Grantor or Borrower if more than one. <br />2. REPRESENTATIONS. WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS. Grantor remesana, warrants slid covenants to LOntler that: <br />Sal Grantor has ton Simple marketable title to the Property and shall maima;n the Property free of all liens, secwiry Interests, encumbrances <br />and claims except for this Deed of Trust and those described in Schedule R," uGh is xTrahad to this Lead of Trust and incorporated herein <br />by reference, which Gra MO/ agrees to nay and perform In a timely manner, <br />I61 Grantor Is in comphuring, it GII restarge with all appllcabla federal, state and It laws and regulations, including, without limrmtian, <br />those rotating to Ha>ardnus Matcrelf as defined herein, and other environmental matters (the "Envimnroental laws'), and neither the <br />fai government n any seiner govammenlal or queer governmental wenrey has afiled a lien on the Property, r e there any <br />governmental, Itutinal o nor ar with readout to envimnmemal matters pending, o o the bast of the Grantor s knowledge, <br />tlo ns <br />threatened, which involve the Property of Neither Grantor n s m the best of d herein s knowledge, any other party has used, ported any <br />seq Discharges emend of <br />,)the disposed pe any Graerdoue Materials m it or tl herein, b sedan oath the <br />ak n in the or transported T ter eny <br />Noadandu Materials l m or l me the Property. ce, shall o mil Or permit such r es re ro regulated taken 10 OV future. The term <br />"HOmNwus Materiels" shall 1) any substance, or II material , o able wM1ich Is or becomes regWatad by my govemmems materials <br />thonry <br />including, ato but rdt r d as m, gl hazardous sub tlf) substance hie or ant to aSe asbestos IIUI Clear) Water Act a, liyls; lip [Face substances, Section 07 01 <br />of ea Water Act ore a aorta " pursuant s Seaton statutes; dv of tse Clean Water eru or is or aster d m Section 30J of the <br />Olean Wafer Act or any Amendments r) 1004 of tin Resourc eCo to mane and Recovery Iv) those substances r Any amendments , r to te o s define) as a thazardous <br />w'sersuborrsectionfcoq mm a Rees defined as amn and su Act or anyrsuto nor ion 101 reef hamammamend <br />En <br />waste substances, materials antes deg lea a any Amendments d nts or rep) emormit m Seaton io1 0l thn Comprehensive stator <br />Environmental Prepare, Comp or Ordinance and Liability eresor any amentl meats or rcplaeemeasa m that statute or eas miner similar stem m <br />federal rs statute, rule, regulation or o mory r now or hereafter in effort. Srantor ill not lease or Permit me sublease ptunc Property m a <br />plant nt nor Su bten cot wM1OSe operations may result m cw nta min atiun of We Property with HNartl nut Materials or toxic su bs locos; <br />