DEED OF TRUST 200207056
<br />(Continued) Page 5
<br />Lear prohibited by law or Lender agrees he the company in wining, Trustor shall reimburse Lender for all coats and expenses incurred In
<br />nnection with the natters referred to in this paragraph.
<br />Atharrupyru -FxY. If Trustor fails to do any of the things referred to In the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so for and in the name of
<br />Trustor and at Tmstors expense. For such purposes, Trustor hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as TmatoYa ettomey- in-fact for the
<br />purpose of making, executing, tlelivering, filing, receding, and doing all other things as may be necessary or tlesirable, in Lender 'a sole
<br />opinion, In a rcom[ASb the matters reforms to in the preceding paragraph.
<br />FULL PERFORMANCE. If Borrower pays all the Indebtedness when tlue, terminates the credit line account, and otherwise perfOtma all Me
<br />obligations imposed upon Trustor under this Dead of Trust, Lender shell execute and deliver to Trustee a request for full raronetrica a and shall
<br />connote and deliver to Trustor suitable statements of termination of any financing Statement on file evidencing Lender's summary Interest In the
<br />Rents and the Personal Property. Any reconveyance fee manner by law shall be pall by Trustor II normal by applicable law.
<br />EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Trustor will be In default under this Deed of Trust II any Of the following happen'. (A) Trustor commits fraud or makes a
<br />materiel misrepresentation at any time In corruption oath the Credt Agreement. This can include, for example a false statement about Borrowers
<br />or Trul li sets, liabilities, o any other aspects M Borrowers or Truster's financial wndition. (B) Borrower does not meet the
<br />repayment terms of MeeCretlit Agreement (C) Truster's action or Inaction adversely affects the collateral or Leader 'a fights in the c r khri al. The
<br />can Include, for example, failure to maintain required Insurance, waste or destructive use of the boosted, failure b pay taxes, death of all persons
<br />liable on the account, transfer of title or sale of the dwelling, creation M e senior lien on the dwelling without Lender's permission, Membrane by
<br />the holder Of another Ilan, or the use of funds or the dwelling for prohibited personal
<br />RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. If an Event of Default occurs under this Dead of Trust at any time thereafter, Trustee or Lender may
<br />exerns a any one or more of the following rights and remedies
<br />Acceleration Upon Default; Additional Remedlea. If any Event el Default occurs as par the forms of the Credit Agreement secured
<br />hereby, Leader may declare all Indebtedness secured by this Dead of Trust to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon
<br />become due and payable without any presentment demand protest or notice of any kind- Travel Leader may
<br />(a) Either In person or by agent with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a receiver appointed Be a noun and
<br />without regard b the adequacy of Its roughly, enter upon and take possession M the Propel . or any pad thereof, In its own name
<br />Or n die name of Trustee and do any acts %baM1 it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value, marketability or entabiliy
<br />of the Property , or pan of the Property or interest In the Property; increase the Income from the Property or protect the security of
<br />Me PropeM; and, with or voodoo taking possession of Me Property, sue for or otherwise collect the real issues and profits of the
<br />Properly, including those pest due and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of opere0on and collection attorneys'
<br />fees, to any Indebtedness shormu by Me Deed of Trust all In Such order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and faking
<br />possession M the Property the collection of such rents, issues and prolib, and the application thereof shall net cure or waive any
<br />default or notice of default under this Deed of Trust or invalidate any act dune In response to Such default or pursuant to such
<br />notice of default, and notwithstanding the Lorimar in possession of the Property or the collection, receipt and application of
<br />ants. issues or props, Trustee or Lender shall do offied toe ry ve right provided for in the Credit Agreement or the
<br />existed Documents or by law upon the Occurrence of any event of default insured the right to exercise the power M sale
<br />me Commence in action b foreclose the Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint receiver or specifically barley any of the
<br />proposing hereof, and
<br />(e) Deliver to Trustee a written declaration M default and demand for sale and a wdaen notl0e of default and election to cause
<br />Truster 'a Interest In me Property to be mid which notice Trustee shall cause to be duly filed for reward in the appropriate offices of
<br />the County In which the Property Is Ixated, and
<br />(d) With respect to all or any pad of the Personal Property Lender shall have all the fights and remetlles of a secured parry under
<br />the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code_
<br />Foreclmure by Power Of Sale. If Lender elects to foreclose by exercise of the Power of Sale herein contained, Lender shell notify
<br />Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Dead of Trust and the Oreart Agreement and such receipts and evidence of reposeful
<br />l
<br />made and secured by My Deed M Trust as Trustee may require.
<br />(a) Upon receipt of Such notice from Lentler, Trustee shall cause to be recorded, published and delivered to Trustor such Notice
<br />of Default and hopes of Sale as then required by law and by this Dead of Trust Trustee shall, without tlemantl on Truster, after
<br />such time as may then be rarylred by law and after socia lien of such Notice Of Default and after Notes of Sale having boon
<br />given as requirW by law, sell the Property at the time and place of sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sala, enter as a whole, Or In
<br />separate lots or parcels or hems as Trustee shall when expedient and In such order as 0 may determine, at public auction to the
<br />highest bidder for cash In lawful mmey Of the United States payable at the time of sale- Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser or
<br />purchasers Mere& ins good and suflfdent dead or deeds conveying the property so sold but submit any covenant or warranty,
<br />express or inipffe0. The but In such dead of any matters or facts shall ba concluaNe Proof of the annua ass thereto_ Any
<br />parser including without limitation Trustor, Trustee, Or Lentler, may purchase at such sale.
<br />(fox As may be permitted by law, after dedu Ling all oretS fees and expenses of Tmstee and of the Trust including costs of
<br />evidence M tide In connection cup sale, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment M If all sums expended under the
<br />terms of this Dune of Trust or Lower the terms M the Credit Agreement not then repaid, including but not limited to accrued interest
<br />and late charges, gre all osier sums then secured hereby, and (Ih) the remainder, if any, to the person or persons legally shifted
<br />thereto
<br />e) Trustee may In the manner Pleaded by law postpone sale of all or any portion of the Property.
<br />Ramelkes Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lentler, and each of them shall be entitled to eMOroe payment and performance of any
<br />indebtedness or obligations secured by this Dead of Trust and to exer0lae all rights and powers under this Dead of Trust under the Credit
<br />Agreement, under day of the R¢lated Documents, or under any other agreement or any laws now Or hereafter In force, notwithstanding,
<br />some or all of such indebtedness and ulghi athol assured any this Dead of Trust may now or hereafter be otherwite seemed, whether by
<br />normal dead of trust, pledge, Ilan assignment or otherwise. Nother the acceptance of this Dead of Trust rror Its enhancement whether by
<br />