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200207050 <br />The Grantors covenant that this Hike/Bike Path Easement shall remain in fill force and <br />effect in perpenmity or until such time as use by the Grantee, its successors and assigns as a public <br />lineal park, commonly known as a Hike Bike Path is terminated and abandoned. The terms and <br />conditions act forth herein shall ran with the land and be binding on the Grantors personal <br />representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. <br />Dated: J 6C l y , 2002. <br />}. mes Pedersen, Grantor Julie Ivedersen, Grantor <br />STATE. OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss. <br />COI INTY OF HALL I <br />The rOTetoing document was esecumed before me on 11/ _. 2002, by lames <br />Pedenen uod .IOFc Peder sen. husband and wile. / <br />Notary Public <br />