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r <br />M n C: v o o <br />C r=ra V: Z <br />2 y Z n is c_ rn p csa <br />C' N <br />C> O G. <br />Q ;:� W -•9 fV <br />co <br />r co <br />M :> co <br />CD <br />W C <br />�• C1l w N a <br />a O � W C <br />200207028 ' <br />ispuca Abova lbld Ilna Fnl Ilecolding lintel <br />DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />KNOW ALL MEN 13Y THESE PRESENTS; <br />TIIAT WIIEREAS, all of Ilia Indebtedness aeoured by Ilia Dead of Inlet execuled by <br />ROBERT B KIEBORZ AND ROCHELL I KIEBORZ, HUSBAND 6 WIFE <br />to OF DONIPHAN Tillable lot tha <br />benanl of BANK OF DONIPHAN BO %'270 DONIPHAN NE 68832 Ilia <br />Ranallolery named therein dated OCT 16, 1997 and recorded OCT 21, 1997 In Ilia offlae of the <br />Register of needs of HALL Omndy, NEBRASKA InsCslunenC No. <br />97 108760 of the Trust Dead Reemde of said Counly has been field, end Paid Ranellciery has requeeled In willing (hat Ill" <br />Deed of R000nveyanoa be executed and delivered. <br />NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of suoll payment and In acootnlaooe Willi ilia to dead of Ilia Renallclery name.: Iharehl, Ilia <br />undersigned as Trustee does by Iheae presents, grand, renJea, refuses slid reonnvey to Ilse poison or pardons Pnllusd Ibaudo all ilia <br />Interest end estate delved to said Trustee by or through said Deed of Trust In Ilia following desclibed properly; <br />LOT ONE (1), BARTELT <br />IN THE VILLAGE OF DONIPHAN, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ADDRESS: 323 NORTH CHURCH DONIPHAN NE 68832 <br />TODETIIER WITH ALI. buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises. <br />DATED JULY 1, 2002 L k \\ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL as. <br />On this 1 ley of _ JULY 2002 before me, Ilia undersigned, a Nolery Public In and for said <br />state, personally appeared JON A HEATH, EXEC VICE PRES BANK OF DONIPHAN BOX 270 DONIPHAN NE 688: <br />Trustee, to me known to be the Identical person named In still who execuled Ilia foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged that he <br />executed Ilene same ae his voluntary not end deed. <br />is LMn 421971 <br />Nolery public In and 1 field all. <br />LEE JAC085EN <br />PAY COMMISSION EXPIRES <br />February 18, 2003 <br />is LMn 421971 <br />Nolery public In and 1 field all. <br />