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200207019 97_ 100510 <br />Attachment to Deed of <br />Trust <br />dated December 19, 1996 between <br />Patricia A. Johnson, a <br />married person, <br />and Rick S. Johnson, her husband, <br />as Trusters, and Five <br />Points <br />Bank, as <br />Beneficiary. <br />Exhibit "A" <br />A trace of lend comprising a part of Lost Three (3), <br />=ere. Dairy Third Subdivision, an Addition to the <br />city of Grand lslaac, alehrasl:a, Torc oer`_icularly <br />dcsc riDnd is fallc;asc all ;:he Southwest <br />corner of said Lot Throe f3); thence tmrtim ly along <br />the Witched-, tin- of '--aau Lot ?Pace (3) on an assumed <br />.,¢axing of said Lot Thi , 5(3);3 Fcct to the Northwest <br />.r er of said pot Three ( ?); 88°iii.'65 "E along <br />e sc:th Lac S" said Lae Three (3), 92059 Feet; <br />thcrce su0 °2J'29 "N along a line of said Lot Three (3), <br />30.0 2 thence Sa8°59'10 ^F. alrnrty a Line of said Lot <br />Three (3), 7i0 Peet; thence LOO` -' '2B"e along a Liao <br />or <br />etd L .ce (3), 99. "a3 Feet; J:anee 1'08 °48'06 r'e', <br />l« <br />.c <br />5 Peet; thence WD °11.'37"e, 529.12 xeet to a <br />of said i c Three 13), thence N69 °57'03 "w along <br />Line on -aid Lct Thr ^.e f?); °11.'11 I 1 to tic M ace <br />of S-9-rirrine _n.. __n ii:rni.rm 7.0006 a_-.., more or less, <br />F t c ". Lq I z' 'rrrr. <br />to A. Johnson <br />li S. Jahfison <br />4. Insurance. To keep the Property insured against damage by fire, hazards included worth me term 'extended coverage aria <br />such hazards as Lender may require aunts and with companies acceptable to Lender, naming Lender as an additional named <br />insured with loss reverse to the Lender. In case of loss under such policies. the Lender is authorized to adjust collect antl compro <br />