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FILE: 02-gnv6 <br />200207014 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of bond comprising a part of Lot Three (3), Fairacre» Dairy Third Subdivision, am Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, (lull County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivibum; thence N <br />89° Od' 19" W along and upon the south line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, <br />a distance of Three Hundred Twelve and Seven Tenths (312.98) feet b a southwest corner of said Lot <br />Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, said point also being the southeast corner of Lot Two (2), <br />Paustian Subdivision; thence N No 12' 19" W, along and upon a west line of said Lot There (3), Fairacres <br />Dairy Third Subdivision, and also being along and upon an east fine of said fist Two (2), Paustian <br />Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty Five and Thirty Throe Hundredths (32533) fret to <br />a southwest corner of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, said point also being a <br />northeast comer of said Lot Two (2), Paustian Subdivision; thence N 88° W' 31" W, along and upon a <br />south line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, and also being along and upon a <br />north tine of said Lot Two (2), Paustian Subdivision, a distance of Striven and Seventy One Hundredths <br />(16.71) feet to a southwest corner of said Lot Three (3) Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, said point <br />also being a northeast corner of said Lot Two (2), Paustian Subdivision; thence N OW 01' n" W,akmg <br />and upon a west line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, and also being along and <br />upon an east line of said Lot We (2), Pauslan Subdivision, a distance of Fifty Eight and Eighty One <br />Hundredths (5831) feet to a southwest comer of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, <br />said point also being the northeast corner of said Lot Two (2), Paustian Subdivision, thence S 880 58' <br />23" E, along and upon the easterly prolongation of a south line of said hat Three (3), Fairacres Dairy <br />Third Subdivision, and also being along and upon the easterly prolongation of the north line of said Lot <br />Two (2), Paustian Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Tommy Nine and Six Hundredths (329.06) <br />feel to a point on the east line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacces Dairy Third Subdivision; thence S 000 13. <br />0.3" E, along and upon the cast line of said Lot Three (3), Fairacres Dairy Third Subdivision, a distance <br />of Three Hundred Eighty Time and Ninety Two Hundredths (383.92) feel to the point of beginning <br />F.,.s.n.,re by AUwmm .e Real orbs. Svey., i...,- wdadlm w soon /amass <br />