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M <br />/! C <br />LI Z N O <br />M z N <br />�uJjl <br />7 <br />I <br />-a <br />C <br />That certain Devi of Trust to WELLS IAROO BANK NFRRASKA. NA I'IONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, given by <br />TERRY L UVORAK AND BARBARA J DVORAK IIAV AS JOINT I LN AN IS S <br />TRUSTOR_ which is dated <br />Austin _ , 2001 and seemed In Ncof'fiee of the register of deeds- of HAIJ County, Nebraska, on <br />August20 , 2001 zslmnaia NC_ 0200108342 in Rook Page ofthe <br />Records, ca ring certain real estate described as follows: <br />Alrain of and comprising the southerly 425 feel of the easterly 325 feet of the southea i tooter of the southwest <br />quarter of section 13 lowvhip 12 north range 10 west of the 6' PAs I Lill euunty Neblaflka <br />is, together with the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, fully paid and satisfied. <br />WELLS IIARGO BANK N EBR ASKA, NATIONA L A SSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, does hereby remise, relnec and qu it claim <br />unto <br />the person a persons entitled thereto, all the right, title, and interest which it has under and by vfrNe of said Deed of Trust in <br />and to the said real estate in the Decd of I rust particularly desCT hod, reference to which is hereby made for greater certainty. <br />TO HAVE AND 10 HOLD the same, together with all and singidar the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging forever. <br />AND FURTHLK, Tat said Deed ofTrust is, by these Porten is t0 be considered as fully and absolutely releaned, cancelled and <br />forever discharged. <br />Uawd this 27TH <br />ATTESC <br />STATE OF NEW MLrICO <br />Mill F'IY OP 6f ^RNAI_I LLO <br />day of JUNE, 2002 <br />Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, NA-.- <br />By: JENNIPFRf AZZARI 44�' <br />- . <br />Its: AUTHORIZFD RF.PR -ENTA jVE <br />i sa <br />The foregoing Insuvmonnwas acknowledged before coq a Notary Public, on this 27TH day of JANE <br />2002 _by JFNNIFFR LAZZARI AUIPORIZLIIREPRESENTATIVE <br />Of WELLS PARGO BANK NI ARASKA, NATION At- ASSOCIA "I' IOM' 'I'RUST1�9kk7M v8YdtF4f(I .If <br />of,ind a1: eiallon- f e k of AI � . L <br />Pail 1 r a <br />(SLAL) <br />Prepared RY JCNN1FFIi 1_ALLARI t 0 r 118; - <br />325466710001 LCA <br />C Loan ScniTng Ccne Pubic .- - - -- <br />Alhnyucryuc,NM 87199J380 My Cammimmn Espires <br />R <br />Q <br />d <br />1 <br />= <br />N <br />O <br />o <br />0 <br />9 <br />z <br />200207008 <br />° <br />C <br />That certain Devi of Trust to WELLS IAROO BANK NFRRASKA. NA I'IONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, given by <br />TERRY L UVORAK AND BARBARA J DVORAK IIAV AS JOINT I LN AN IS S <br />TRUSTOR_ which is dated <br />Austin _ , 2001 and seemed In Ncof'fiee of the register of deeds- of HAIJ County, Nebraska, on <br />August20 , 2001 zslmnaia NC_ 0200108342 in Rook Page ofthe <br />Records, ca ring certain real estate described as follows: <br />Alrain of and comprising the southerly 425 feel of the easterly 325 feet of the southea i tooter of the southwest <br />quarter of section 13 lowvhip 12 north range 10 west of the 6' PAs I Lill euunty Neblaflka <br />is, together with the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, fully paid and satisfied. <br />WELLS IIARGO BANK N EBR ASKA, NATIONA L A SSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, does hereby remise, relnec and qu it claim <br />unto <br />the person a persons entitled thereto, all the right, title, and interest which it has under and by vfrNe of said Deed of Trust in <br />and to the said real estate in the Decd of I rust particularly desCT hod, reference to which is hereby made for greater certainty. <br />TO HAVE AND 10 HOLD the same, together with all and singidar the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging forever. <br />AND FURTHLK, Tat said Deed ofTrust is, by these Porten is t0 be considered as fully and absolutely releaned, cancelled and <br />forever discharged. <br />Uawd this 27TH <br />ATTESC <br />STATE OF NEW MLrICO <br />Mill F'IY OP 6f ^RNAI_I LLO <br />day of JUNE, 2002 <br />Wells Fargo Bank Nebraska, NA-.- <br />By: JENNIPFRf AZZARI 44�' <br />- . <br />Its: AUTHORIZFD RF.PR -ENTA jVE <br />i sa <br />The foregoing Insuvmonnwas acknowledged before coq a Notary Public, on this 27TH day of JANE <br />2002 _by JFNNIFFR LAZZARI AUIPORIZLIIREPRESENTATIVE <br />Of WELLS PARGO BANK NI ARASKA, NATION At- ASSOCIA "I' IOM' 'I'RUST1�9kk7M v8YdtF4f(I .If <br />of,ind a1: eiallon- f e k of AI � . L <br />Pail 1 r a <br />(SLAL) <br />Prepared RY JCNN1FFIi 1_ALLARI t 0 r 118; - <br />325466710001 LCA <br />C Loan ScniTng Ccne Pubic .- - - -- <br />Alhnyucryuc,NM 87199J380 My Cammimmn Espires <br />