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'200206987 <br />1 -4 FAMILY RIDER moaauedl e.11la <br />(Assignment ofRenrs) nom rte_. 0v0sa014 <br />THIS14 PAM I I KIDER is made this 28th day of June, 2002 <br />and IS incorPommd into and shall be deemed 10 amend and Supplement the Morlgago, Used of Trust or Security <br />Decd (ton "Security Instrument') of the round date given by the undersigned (die 'Burrower") to Secure Borrower's <br />Note to FIVE POINTS SANK <br />(the "Tender ") of the same date and covering the Pmpeny described In die SCNI'AS Instrument and locoed at <br />I(E w. felt, Street Grand Island, Ne 68BO3 <br />[Property Address <br />IJ FAMILY COVEN AK'I'N. In addition to the dai nants and agreement made in the Security Instrument, <br />Borrower and Lender further covenant and egrcc as follows: <br />A. ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In <br />addition w the &operry de.cdbed in Security Instrument, the following items now or Locator attached <br />to the Property to the extent they arc 5xmres ore added to the Property description, and sball alto <br />nstimm the Property covemd by the Security Instrument: building materlelx, appliances and goods or <br />every rune "IchroovLa now or hereafter located in aq or used, or intended to be used it <br />n <br />with the Properly, mCUely, hs, not limited and )hose for h pr penis e, of supplying on distributing to, <br />hosting, eooline, electricity, gas, tearer, a and light, fins prevention and extinguishing apparatus, <br />sec We <br />urity and ae .. control apparatus, plumbing, bath tuba, water hostels, water closets, anha, trials, <br />stoves, refiigaremrs dishwashers, airport, dad anus, dryers, awnings, elonn windows, undi Jeers, <br />s, blinds, shndch cvcludi and curtain rods, d radiants mirrors,or, shall e denng and beached nand <br />coscrups, all of which, including replacements nnJ nddilion_s dicrmq shall be deemed to be and remain <br />u part an die Pril lry covered by the Security Insuumann All ofthe foregoing together with the Property <br />described in the Sol Instrument (or the Icasehold estate if the Security finnument is on a lemehold) <br />arc referred to in this IA family tither and the Security Instrument as tire 'Tria y' <br />WULIGAA're L41AUHVRlncR- ra ..... amr /l,ed,lle Mae LNIFD1O11NSTRU31ENT rora mve vat <br />SA, 9%M d,,,;,.. h l? pll <br />NECUNAL ITS 11,11/,)( <br />