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666 — DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY Huffman and Felton 8 Wall, Walton, No. too <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />200206985 <br />That 1,U Of �I County. Nebraska, have made, <br />,f�� /` I <br />consumed and appointed, by theeas(presents do make, eanetituts and sppofnt 1F1��y 66Z(-rl1 II <br />sann1d <br />of ad Q I t a it N 1 W I I <br />mama <br />-Cc County, Nebraska, time and lawful momma y for me end in my plats and arced. <br />and on my behalf, subject on the pronnorms of Paragraph 13 beat( to do and execute all or any of the following acv, deeds <br />and things: <br />1. To receive debts, peymenen and Property. To ask, demand, sue far, recover and receive all same of money, debt., day, goods, ware. mer<ban- <br />n <br />diae, dtetWls,.Bens and things ofwheweve, nature ordescription <br />which now are Or hereafter shall boor become due, owing, pa yable. or belongings <br />in or by any right, title, weye a means howeeever, and upon recede Norm , or ofsny plat thereof, b make, sign. exeaa and deliver such rea riet release <br />or other discharge. for the same respectively as my .aid awmey .hall deem advisable. <br />2. To settle amounts, To settle any accuact or reckoning whomever wheain 1 now am or at any time hereafter shall be in any wise interested <br />or <br />concerned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive the balance thereto a. the cede may re,mr, <br />3. To satisfy security interests and mortgagee. To dwei.eevery mum of money which now in a hereafter shall be due or belonging m me upon the <br />tames or by virta of any security interest or up eemen4 or moot gage. and an exempt of the full amount secured thereby to exmu W a good end sufficient <br />discharge <br />release or other of each rear -ty interest, or mortgage by deed or otherwise. <br />4. To compound, submit W arbitration, or otherwise settle or adjust differanas. To compound with or make allowances W any person form in <br />respem an any debt to demand whomever which now is M, shall at any tune hereafter become due and payable w me, or by me, m upon my <br />accounts, and a <br />take and receive, m w pry and discharge (sa the case may het, any ampyition or dividend thereof or thsaupon, and to give or active <br />releases or other <br />discharges for the whole of such debts or demands, as te settle, ampromiw, or submit to arbitration every such debt or demand and every other eight, <br />matter, and thing due a or anceming me as my alwmey shall think beat, end fa the former re enter into and eaecute and deliver such bonds ofarbita <br />lion a other monuments as my soumey may death advisable in the premises. <br />S. To prosecute and defend. To commence, pmycuW, discontinue, or defend .11 anion. or other Weal prambearm a touching my state or any part <br />thereof, or touching any matter in which I or my estate may be to any wise concerned. <br />6. To manage real estate. To enter Into and upon all and singular my realymte, and to let, manage, and impmvethe same crony part thereof. and w <br />repair or Otherwise impmve, a1 Wr, or reconmaa, and to insure, any building or ewnury thereon, and further wantanwith othem for the men Xemmtof <br />such reel ywte, and to grant to such others all the power, with respond wench reeleetater usual in real pmts managementconammus and damoedl to my said <br />ammoey herein. <br />7. To grant lean. receive rents, and otherwise deal with tenants amid ]cued property. TO mntran with any peaon far leasing for loch <br />,mods, including periods longer than my life. and without regard w the termination ofthis power of alwmey, at such menu and subjen w such conditions <br />M, alwmey shall ee fit, all or any of my said ryl stele. and to In any such prawn trim posxvion therm[ and to execute all such lenma and comoddei as <br />shall he nnwwary, or proper in that behalf and to give notice w quit to any cannot or occupier thereof, end or receive and recover fain all Wmmus and <br />orcu ales thern,f cr of any tan thereof all rents, amen of rent and mums of money which now are or shall hereafter hnome due and pays bie In respect <br />thereof. and aim on non payment thereofor of any part thermfw make all necyeary or proper means and prataxim a for mrmmating the tenancy or eccupo <br />n <br />.f +uch lemmu err Occupied. and for claiming the anants or occupiers and recovering the passion thereof <br />K To sell or exchange real or personal saute. To sell. either al public a private Bale or exchange any part or parts of me real eat W err permmal <br />property for such considsatmn, payable immediately or open such Worse tie my attorney shall think fit and wexecute and deliver g,ad and sufficient <br />dells, hills of sale, endomsernams, samenments, or other instruments for the conveyance or transfer of the same, with each movements of womanly or other <br />wise m my awmey shall see fit. and to give end and effectual events for all or any part of the purchase prig or other etnsideration. <br />9. TO deposit moneys. withdraw, invent, and otherwise deal with tangible property. To deppan any moneys which may more W hire haro <br />.uch attorney with any bank or banker in my name, and no withdraw any of ouch money Or any other money towhich 1 am entitled which now isor shall h <br />so demand, and either employ such money ea he.hall Think rho <br />the uymentofanydelsommurat, myahleny me, or uxes,ayyemenv, ineuanme. and <br />expv —sic due and payable or In assume due and pmyeble sr, mmunt of my real and pros nal yvW. or in or about any of the purposes herein mentioned, or <br />�otherw,se for my use and benefit, or in invest such money in my name in any sacks. shares, bonds securities err Other property, reel or pmonal, as he may <br />mink proper, and m reserve and rive mo ipu for any income or dividend ade ng form such investments, and w eery or dimpwe nfoll and any such invest. <br />meet,, other inveatmenu for my use and benefit as he may think fit. <br />M. To vote at slmkholders' meetings. exau W proxies, and otherwise substitute for owner. To vote no meetings ofswckhnidss or other <br />tinge of any corporation or company, err mu <br />otherwise to am as my attorney or proxy. with power of subsuon. in raped of any rocks. shares Men de. <br />. <br />deJen lures. or other evidences of menmehiy, Or seo.m me, now or hereafter held by me and issued by ornm account efsaid corporation err mmpany and for <br />not purpose Or execute any pmxiy, limited w general. or other mourumenta <br />11. To execute deeds, bills, notes. and similar ithawmenta. For ell or any of the purposes herein alated to enter inm and sign. aeal, extreme, <br />-know Wdae. and delayer any ano-acv. dadx mother bunumenu whatsosym, end an draw, accept make, endow, discount or other- aedeal with any bills <br />of exchange, cnmls, monitory nova, Or Other commercial or memandle Lammmenta <br />12. To do all other things necessary, in connection herewith. In genaal w do all other acv, decd. Morocc and things whauavm'm ur about my <br />swat. property, and afford, Or to concur with persona jointly interemd with myself Herein in doing all ace. decd., mattes, end thing. herein. either <br />pot mularly or generally dsenhd. as fully and effectually w all Inatome and purposes ra I could do in my own proper preaan ifpmwmally it tieing <br />present. <br />intent to errant to my said mummery a general power in act for me and in my behalf. and rwt a amited w epecmd' -*.th speei ace harem <br />described. <br />13. Power Of attorney effective notwithstanding disability of principal: unn ,mums in effect after or mtB notice. <br />Pur.uut to line provision of the Uniform Dyable Power of Atbrney An, I declare Net this pawsmanumns Nall mot <br />and that the authority gruatd herainehall condnueduringuy pedod while l am disabled ainapmiv ntwesids« ns. <br />aB sarh authority shall continue after my death, until notiaofeuch dmthaluB have been received by no alto md ktmwledgerofthe <br />fan their havedied.Any sctiuntaken in good faith by eddattormydurioeuypviod whiaituu ha] hermeivrac W <br />knawledieof my death,y,in any event taken during any peril wh6elam dvabkd or incaFood allbeHit <br />not duabled. Hlw alive,comprtmt tad <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF', 1 have signed and mknowldged this luwment <br />day of <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA 1 <br />u. <br />COUNTY <br />rI <br />BE IT KNOWN, that on the day of VIAI IP ,p�, before me, pemmlly appeared <br />j' <br />Cparr 1 is V � I) lS• <br />abrve named, who is to me known w w the person determined in and <br />who executed the above Durable Power Of Atlamev. and acknowldred the same on be his me her voluntary art an red. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto mbsdo my name and .Nixed my o(fioml sal, day en ear Isar above wduen. <br />d <br />GEfEflfU. NOTARY -State of Nebraska <br />14EIDI L SWENSON a wry Panda <br />MY COMM. EED• ADD. S, 2002 <br />1 <br />