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200206963 <br />19. NOTICES Any notice to Trustor provided far in this Security Instrument shall be given by <br />dehwaing it or by mailing it by first class tail unless applicable law requires use of another method_ The notice shall <br />be directed the Propeety Address or any other address Trustor designates by notice to BenefieiarN'. AnN notice to <br />Beneficiary shall be given by first class mail to Beneficiary 's address .stated herein or any other address Beneficiary <br />designates by notice to Trustor. Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be doomed to have been <br />given to TrLNI(u or Beneficiary when given as provided in this paragraph. <br />20. ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust, duly executed <br />and acknowledged, is made public record as provided by law. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Trustor has executed this Deed of Trust as of the day and year first above <br />written <br />TRUSTORS. <br />THOMAS FEHR <br />r , <br />VELMA R. FFFIR <br />STATE: Of NEBRASKA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF I IALL ) <br />The foregoing Deed of'I rust was acknowledged before me on July 1 2002, by Thomas Fehr and <br />Velma R Fehr. husband and wife. Trusters. <br />6ENE6ALN6TAay Sat a of NBAm3Pa N 1 <br />c�13LIC <br />JhNICE K. BOEHLE NDT` YPUBI'IC <br />My Comm Ery. MarcA R], ROAS <br />