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ky <br />aN <br />A <br />Brent L. Stich ik and Janice M. Stchlik, husband and wife„ GRANTOR, in consideration Cy <br />of Forty- Nine'Thousand and Nine Hundierd Dollars ($49,900.00) received from Thomas Fehr <br />and Velma R. Fehr, husband and wife, GRANTEES, as joint tenants, with right of survivorship <br />and not as tenants in common, does hereby convey and transfer the following described real <br />estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Slat, 76- 201). <br />Lot Tvo (2), Block Six (6), in Scluwne2s Addition, an Addition to the Ciry of Grand Island, <br />Hall County. Nebraska . <br />lo have and to hold the above described promises together with all tenements, <br />hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the GRANTEES and to their heirs and <br />assigns forever. <br />And GRANTOR does hereby covenant with GRANTEES and with their heirs and <br />assigns that GRAN I'OR is lawfully seized of said premises, that said premises are free from <br />encumbrances except casements and restrictions of record, that GRANTOR has good right and <br />lawful authority to convey the same, and that GRANTOR warrants and will defend the title to <br />said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />DATED this day of June 2002. <br />GRANTORS <br />Brent f.. Stehlik <br />ladice M_ Stchlik <br />n <br />n <br />2 D <br />N <br />n z <br />t <br />In <br />Q <br />\, <br />N <br />U 4 <br />O <br />cc33 <br />A <br />Ca <br />is <br />C1 <br />ro <br />o <br />twoa <br />1' <br />ry <br />o <br />N <br />WARRANTY DEED <br />Brent L. Stich ik and Janice M. Stchlik, husband and wife„ GRANTOR, in consideration Cy <br />of Forty- Nine'Thousand and Nine Hundierd Dollars ($49,900.00) received from Thomas Fehr <br />and Velma R. Fehr, husband and wife, GRANTEES, as joint tenants, with right of survivorship <br />and not as tenants in common, does hereby convey and transfer the following described real <br />estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Slat, 76- 201). <br />Lot Tvo (2), Block Six (6), in Scluwne2s Addition, an Addition to the Ciry of Grand Island, <br />Hall County. Nebraska . <br />lo have and to hold the above described promises together with all tenements, <br />hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the GRANTEES and to their heirs and <br />assigns forever. <br />And GRANTOR does hereby covenant with GRANTEES and with their heirs and <br />assigns that GRAN I'OR is lawfully seized of said premises, that said premises are free from <br />encumbrances except casements and restrictions of record, that GRANTOR has good right and <br />lawful authority to convey the same, and that GRANTOR warrants and will defend the title to <br />said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />DATED this day of June 2002. <br />GRANTORS <br />Brent f.. Stehlik <br />ladice M_ Stchlik <br />