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200206925 <br />'I lie property is located in HALL ill 1913 W KOLNIG <br />Cowry 1 <br />GRAND ta) AND ,Febmsl( /IPco3 <br />(Acli (City) CCIts. all <br />Together with all rights, casements, appurtenances, royalties, m astrai nglns oil and gas rights, all water and riparian rights, <br />ditches, and water snick and alI existing and more impmvemenis, structures. fixtures, and replacements that may n rat ary <br />lime w the forum. be pan of the real estate desci prod above (all referred to an "Property.') <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total lumminal amount secured by this Seconds Inslrwvent al any one rime shall not <br />exceed $ 1 2.000. 00 This Interim Of ameum does amt Include interest curd Offer fees and charges validly made <br />pursuant to thus Security hnsi umcat_ Also, this librarian does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Somm y <br />Instrument to protect Benctidaix s security and to perform any of the covenants conmumed in ttus Security Instrument <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The term °Secured Debi' is dehned as mdows'. <br />A. Debt Incurred order the terms of the promissory note. revolt' Into line of credit agreement, contract, wom ins or other <br />evidence of debt dated 061051' (302 together with all sweethearts, extensions, modifications or A ncwols- The <br />vamrity date of the Secured Debt is OF,, l 0012032 <br />R. All future advances from Beneficiary to Truster wider evidence of debt, whether obligatory or discretionary _ All future <br />advances are as if node on the dam of this Security Insmuaieat. Nothing in this Security Instrument Shall constitute a <br />commitment to make additional or future loans or advances which exceed the amount shown in Section 3. Any such <br />cwmthtr"ent most be agreed to in a separate taming <br />C All sums advanced mid expenses incurred by ReneficiaD for inswing, preserving or otherwise protecting the Properly <br />and its value and wry other sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary under the terms of this Security <br />Instrument. <br />5. PAYMENT'S- Tm star agrees that all payments wider the Secured Debt will be paid when due mad in accordance with the terns of <br />the Secured Debt and this Security instrument. <br />fi. WARRANTY OF TITLE_ Tmstor warrants tlmt Tfustor is or will be Upoolly sc17cd of the estate conveyed by this Seoumy <br />Insvmmad mud has the right to irrevocably grant, tan, ey, and sell the Property to Tmstor, lowest with power of sale. Truster aleo <br />narrows that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br />7. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. Wdh regmd to any Other mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement rubber lieu document <br />that created a prior s minty interest or encumbrance on time Properly. Tmstor agrees. <br />A. To make all payments when due and to perform or wmpb with all covenants. <br />B. To promptly delis<r to Beneficiary any notices that Tmstor receives from the holder <br />C. Not to allow any modification or extension Of nor to request any future advances raider any note or agreement secured by <br />the lien document "itha"t Be uticia s s prior "title" enasent <br />B. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. Truman "'ill pay all taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, lensc payments. ground mats, <br />utilities, and other charges elating to the Property when due. Umseficory may require Truster to provide to Beneficiary copies of <br />all notices that each amounts arc due and the receipts evidencing 'Ilastor`s payment TTuslor will defend title to the Propap <br />against any clams that would impair the lien of this Secamy lnstramart Trmm agrees to assign to Beneficiary, as mqucstcd by <br />Benefinap, am' nabls, claims or dofemses Truster may Imve against parties who supply labor or materials to nminuirt m' Improve <br />the propcny. <br />9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE_ Beneficiary stay, at its option, declare the entire balmce of the Secured Debt to be <br />mediately we and payable upon the creation of, or contract for the creation of, any Bent, oncombranec, transfer Or sale of lire <br />Property_ This right is subject to the mstriclum imposed by federal law (12 CPR. 591), as applicable This amenmt stall not <br />with the Poppers and shall remain In effect i the Seamed Debt is paid in full and this Secants Imamiment IS released_ <br />10. PROPERTY CONDITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. Tustor"'illkcepthe Property in good condifionandmake <br />all repairs that are reasonably necessary - Tmedor shill not commit Or allow any waste. impairarma. or deterioration of the <br />Properly_ Truster will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses_ Tmstor agrees trial We mature of the lecupmrey mid <br />use will not subsaidia11y change without Beneficiary's prior wrown consent Treater will not perrut any change i n any license, <br />restrimse cotm ant or easement without Boaetieiary's prior written consent Tmstor "ill notify Beneficiary of all demands, <br />proceedings . elu ms, and actions against Tmstor, andofany loss enumerate to theProperty. <br />Rcncfiwmy or Rcluficiar_v's agents may, at Beneficiary 's option enter hoe Teri of any reasonable onto for the purpose of <br />nspemting the Property . Benefmiwy shall give 'foster notice at We time of or before an inspection specifying a reasonable <br />purpose for the inspection Any inspection of the Pmpmv shall be entirely for Beneficiwy s belief( and Tmstor will in no nay <br />rely on Bl nc mary s Inspection. <br />11. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Truster fails to perWmn cry duty or any of the wvenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument, Bcwtho ry nas '. without nofice, perform or cause then] to be performed. Tmstor appoints Beneficiary as attorney in <br />LQ 12711 (94roop <br />