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S\PY i m .aa <br />z <br />az <br />coal <br />IT <br />o a. <br />N <br />OJ y <br />w <br />` N �. I -• C <br />i C N Les <br />UEf U OF TRUST O a <br />PA It I LS:' Ill LsJ)ucd of'Irust is marked to's "002 anal5dlCG'anror, MARK A MCC AFYHHY ANTI I< A Y A is ( 'A 1 1 ' 1 t AND <br />AND %k 111 1 Tattooer " }. <br />AItFND R BAACK_ ATTORNEY'. chose residence address Is P O. Box °90. Grand Island_ Hall Court, _ Aehlaekn ('1 . and the <br />Becf4 ary HOME FEDERAL SAV INGS ANDI CAN ASSOCIATION OFGRAHD ISLAND corpaml ixnland exating tinder for <br />Iawsof Nla l R VI vdqoscaddrc, s is 11 SOUJIIJO(I ISI SIHFIFI GRAND ISI. AND, At RASKA 69NOI f�Lendei 1. <br />CONNENANCE Far vale ololed Rion, aabl) Daplo and - nTnStee-n lrrsl,.;th leve- ofralethe real paxrty,,f <br />wll Lionesses is alAtUll y Seized described beo a II buddmrs t r and aaia g d runic iap eneneht, me e. a d ad rights of- <br />-y, v I ts usl s. D of is natunt. tea nerts . sactfibillanta. frishatic, and dip appurnadnat2l Hereunto leloni;ng call called the <br />"progeny L. <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS: s 1_3 N RCBY AST CRAND ISIAND. Ncbnska 68803 <br />LEGAL 11650 RIPI'JON: <br />LOfState), BLOCK PIVEIsi_PACKER ANDBARR'SADDITION TOTHECITYOFGRAND ISLAND, IAI-Tt OCNll NFERAEICA, <br />ACCORDING TO TI IE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. <br />LLEL B In hail converses on s inI a. <br />TITLE: Borrasrer and warrnnw Mlle I the property. excepr @r <br />SECURED III I If I'. "I'lia deed of Most ailulus to leader eadofluelln lCn red debt :and the perfnmene fthe - nester and agnnous <br />ontained in this deed of trust and in other docetme anon rporared herein Se,u vd debt, as used 'vi this deed of trust. includes any anifirmis <br />Lhors,er over to Ender under this road of trust a undcr , tr Secured by this ([sell of o-us d all loadilutaLialus. collusions and <br />hereof <br />hhe�Secured debt is evidenced as (List all instruments and agreements Secured by this decd of trust and elm dares thereof.): <br />® A PROMIsIFORY' NOl F AND 5FA Uldl I Y At RhEMFNI IM 11 D 06 '22003 <br />® <br />Future advances: 'L a above amount is secured even dtough all or pan of it I not yet be advancntl. Finite admmces arc <br />contemplated and will be sauced to the Santo anent as If made in dm dare of lhU need ofmwr is executed. <br />❑ Revolving lineorcredll agmanem dshot widliuinalannual intatacrate of <br />All amounts LI under this quavered ere scoured even transit all amounts may cwt yet bcudoamevl_ Iulure advance under <br />the ulvelli are COnamphned unit "ill he secured to the Sumo extent as it made on the date this decd orbital l.4 CxCCUted_ <br />Ticabove obliganan Iv ducand payable nn lone 25, shut ifnotpaid earlier. <br />the trial intend chance seoaural by this deed of Most al any one Ili shall nor cwcted n 1 r. t S11 's 40, plus <br />Intue3l plus any accounts disbursed under the retail, ofthis deed of trust to protect the securiII of �dlit. Deed of trial or to perform any of is <br />ants contained In d,ed of trust, m'idl interest nn such din'hur,.emenle. <br />cOe Variable Rnte'I tic interest rem on the obligation secured by this deed ofwst may raif LICCOILIfla IS NC Irons Orrhal odFaHon. <br />Fl A copy of loan agreeman Scattering the terms under which the lnteren Ire LFy vury is mtxdled Ir this decd oftmst and <br />made a part hereof. <br />RIDERS: ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />DESIGNATION OF HOMES I HAD <br />Pursuant to the f not Homestead Protection Act, designation orh unemead iL iuil hed to this deed let Hard and made a had bcreuf has <br />been ifiadj rued; the tiisdaimer is thorned to this dead Of trust and mated pan hereof <br />SIGNATURES: By signing• Indian. Borranar agree to the terms and camet®nts contained in this deed of true(, including those on Inge <br />2. and in any riders described above earned by Borrower. <br />MARK A NCCA FPFBY R. Y A tiICC: \FFf: }' <br />At KMhW I LD(;M1,NI el A I I fH NIFIRASKA_HALL COUNT s' as <br />The IN(cal ling insvumcnt was ncknonvledged labor me On 0[c22LOOP <br />Ily %I %RK A MCCAl I I:RY and KAYyA MCCAPFFRY.I ICSBAN7D AND }VIFP <br />MY rn Loose �C /iel. L- ,ll' —1 <br />INOrag rnhrm <br />6flIFAAI NOTAAYSRteol Xeboeq <br />CHMI L IU$KIE <br />W Cmhm. fry. tee. A, in g <br />