<br />If Lender receives a paymcnefmm Burrewerfora delinquent Periodic Payment which Includes u sufficientairount
<br />to payanylatechargeduc,t he paymeormaybe appledto the delinquentpayment and the lane charge. ifmorelhanone
<br />Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received fro Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic
<br />Paymen¢ if, and w the extent Na, each paymenman bepaid in full. To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is
<br />sorlled to Ne full Payment of one or ran c Periodic Payments, such excess may his applied to any law charges due. Voluntary
<br />prepayments shall he applied fint to any prepaymere charges and then as described in the Note.
<br />Any application ofpayments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under had Now
<br />shall not extend or postpone the due date, or change the amount, of the Periodic Payments.
<br />3. Fends for Escrow It ems. Borrower shall pay to Leader on the day Periodic Puymcnts are due under the Note,
<br />until the Nute is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds') to provide for payment of due for. (a) taxes and assessments and
<br />other items which can attain priority over this Security Instrument as alien or encumbrance on the Property, do leasehold
<br />pnyment of ground rants on thePmpestY. iRmy (c) premiums for any und all insurance requirW bytKrnler under Seetioo5q
<br />nl(d)M g Ins premiums. if > ysums py ble bvB rrowe mLe d heuo th paymen[ofMOrtgage
<br />jn - p a- J 'NN pro iso fS f lo. Th t e' II d Psa Ite Admittance
<br />On t 'f d ringN m fthe[ Le J v q eNat COmmn 'tyAea.' i Dues, F rob As smcnts if
<br />ny, h escrowed by B wcq and such d es, fees and as . smenta sh JI he n Escrow Item. Borrower shall promptly
<br />ity be e Lender b entices of amounts m bepaid mtduthis Senior. Bortowcr shall pay Under the Funds for EScrowItems
<br />unless Lender waives
<br />Borrower's obbgminn to pay [ha ILodx fur any nr all Esuow Bans. Lender may waive Borrower's
<br />obligation to Fly m lender Funds for nnyor all L'saow items eteny time. by such waive, may, only be in wrung. In the
<br />vent of such waiver Borrower shall oaydi(udy, when and whoa payable, the amounts due for any Ea row Lams fir which
<br />P ayment of Funds has Fee n waiveA by Lender and, rf Lcndu rcyuires, shall furnish m harder receipt evidencing such
<br />payment within surd time pcnod as lender may require. Borower'e nhhgation to make such payments and m provide
<br />recelp[s shill for
<br />all
<br />put
<br />fore
<br />s beteenmd ro bets envcnammJ vgreemcnecoo[ained in this Secantybetmment as the phrase ewer le rant and by
<br />is osedinSwtiow 9. If8uaewu is nM1ligatcd to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuant to a wall ver,
<br />m
<br />and BonndB failsepaytheamouw[due forvoHscmw Item,Lendu mnyeolder anitsrightsount. ecuonnandpaysuch
<br />aunt endeonowu shall then
<br />he obligatedundo Section i to repayondander urSecthnmoue. Lendermayrovokethe
<br />waiverer many oral) Esaowllattsnds,an in syanotice given inawtheram wiN Section IS and, upon tech rcvcrmion,
<br />Borrower shell pay to Lender all Funds, and to such anoints, that arc then myaired under this rider to 3.
<br />Icndcr may, under any time, collect and hold Funds a anxim um o mit a lend er ccr require r RES applyffic; AFundser
<br />she time specified under of Fun , and @) not N exceed the maximum amnontaeenderwn requhc under RPSPA. leader
<br />shall estimate the e i amount of Punts due AI the basis ofcunenl data and reasonable asfimmea ofoxpcndlvaesoff 1weLsrmw air
<br />Ite th FundIn mend th Al pl' ion L
<br />The Funds hllbe held ' an institution whose deposits s -e insured bya federal y deral ocy, imuumcnk t},orew[Iry
<br />(including to I unds to paythe Escoolntems no whose dn the time flresotmtd under any P LenHumeanant charge unryol
<br />forty the Punta w pay the Escrow Items al later than the time r specified under RESPA. lender row net charge unless Under
<br />for holding and nterest on Punts, annually analyzing the escrow account orve such charge Escrow Items,unlessmentor
<br />pays Borrower for Applicable lbe I aw Funds requires rind Inielcar o be per its lento w maA such ll charge. Unless an ay Borro t is
<br />made tewritingor AppLcabledews Baro eran t tobepaidonthe Funds, As fonder shall not be required ll pay Borrower
<br />fey interestdeearningse to Borrowerand Lender wnagreeinwing of however, that morose shall bepa. me
<br />Funds. Trader there is a surplu B fnow s held iinnt chase, an armed uncle unbng of (hender s a l raccou t by loSPA.
<br />Ifin is adance of Funds held in escrow, as defined FundR held in lender shallacwwLte Borrower for me
<br />exarnotify orrowr as egiir RESPAlfthurnis ashonstr fill pay heldmer escrow,
<br />the defined under
<br />to makeup the
<br />shall notify Burrower as required by but in no and Borrower shall pay to Lender the re is a necessary ro mnke ti the
<br />shortage mownrduncer with
<br />RES A,Undr lnnomore orroA monthly
<br />as requred by RI Ethae is ) way partio )hell ie
<br />escrow, as defined o makeupPA, Under in notify dance AmS RESPA, but in more than 12 m Borrower monthly payments crthe
<br />umoum necessary pa m snake op the deficiency in accordance wiN RESPA, but in erg more than m monthly in Borrow
<br />Upon payment in full of sums secured by this Security instrument, IGedC[ shall prompJyrefund m Borrower any
<br />Fundy held by under.
<br />0. Charges; prior BonowcrsSarallpay instrument.slesmrnt. charges, for ground real impositions Properterothe all disks,
<br />Property which can attain priorie s, Fee the d Asses Inscu, it anye To d extent U payments or ground raves on fine Property, Bo deny
<br />and C ay theme the insurer Dues, Fees. and Assessments,ifany.'l'o Ne extent Nat Nese Items ore Exu'ow Leers, Borrower
<br />chap ray Bant in the runner p sly discharge in e any lie
<br />Borrower shat lay mento the obligation lien which has priority this Security Instrument in Under, but Borrower. (a)
<br />gees in g
<br />ear' tin mNe paymem ce Ned, find omits thedhy the Ilea lnthby, or defendshlemlendu bunt only
<br />of so long as
<br />legalpuffs im,vw 'rig ash ngreemengnion operate to lien in (the uithbynrdcfends lien while trwmemneedings ire good!
<br />legal nrza but Oil V wLioh in Lender's opinion concluded ro r(e)set the enom he holder per of lien while them proceedings are
<br />pending,ben onlyuntilash proceethogeureconcluded ;or(c)necerdetermines fromine that partonhe Property is sufadorytu the
<br />Led el d'an6ri priority t thsse mein etlfenter ro a notice fth er p ty mbjedroa
<br />r h I theone al ry this 1 1nst er ll y6 ien eon ldreoyamactions fen. Within can
<br />ab days of
<br />is etton wh'vh that notice n, RO rower fill mthly the lien rakcnne or more t7J set form
<br />vhnve in this Section 6. e
<br />Lender may require Borrower to ray anteroom charge for areal caste tax vaificatinn antler reporting service
<br />used by Lander 5. Pr to wy Insurance. wish tills or Inert.
<br />5. Property Inehanw. Borrower shall keep er "extended now hcrer hareremedunibutcdt
<br />cited at ears qua isfire hoards included wnhln the uire "extended .Things," and shall bu huaurts iodndi a but not
<br />(including [o, d dhgnake lands) and for which lender requires insurance. we lley This it Undere shall es put Saint t India a preceding
<br />(including deductible levels) and for the Periods that Lender mqu6es_ What Lender requires put s to he chosen by
<br />sentences can change earring the term of the loan. The insurance ewer providing figh shall the it Fe insurance shall un eamm� by
<br />Borrower der may m [Bono a right to , in coloration tioro with t choice, which right shall not be exercised unreasonably.
<br />Food vlone
<br />Lender envy , certification Borrower to Pny. se es, o with this Irian, e for (a) i one etime charge for flavd w
<br />determination, and tmeac no services, rearor(b)aralmilarlarge for Bond r.hne determination and cerect such
<br />e and sor c r t rages B each time also be r P r the p which roes, a ea y he Federal such
<br />ti t c d n or w t f f- Borrow hall elm he reviews bl for the I t f ny feu imposed byan eosin
<br />by Bormwey Managemene Agency in connection wiN the review o[nnyflwxl zonede[uminanon resultingfmm an objewon
<br />by RO(IOIf
<br />If Borrower falls to maintain e any of Under r is under es no obligation above, Lender may obtain insurance a coverage, at
<br />Lender' option and Bon cover expense Lender a under no tormiight o purchase any particular type or e amount of
<br />g . Theodore 'h g shall Under, risk e ht M tl t hBOno erBorrower's er coo rthe
<br />Property, th e t of the Props q against y k h d o liability ' ins d ov r -le o f lesserwvera l
<br />N - h ly it t
<br />Borrower hvN'nh t amontsd coverage bu der sStn�n5sh l]Y
<br />noxyd becomes additional fin- that wersec Penh lPub venhtayedrument These s amontsM1ylc lieu under has at rail
<br />lion the ddle of d debt if Borrower soured by this Seem isuInstrument on amounts shall bear interest ) Borr w the que rate
<br />from the Jate of dishurtement and shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice from Lento m Borrower requesting
<br />tactical, All insurance pollees required by lender and renewals of such p dicier .shall be subject to Lender's righter
<br />disapprove such pohcres, shall include a standard mat age clause, and shall name Lender as morgagce and/or as on
<br />additional loss payse. Lender shall have the right m hold the policies and renewal cuuficams. If Lender required Bornmwer
<br />shall promptly veto Letter rill receipts of paid premiums and renewal Peaces. If Borrow obtains any form of rnaurarce
<br />NEOaskiSol Fnmtly —Frame Madinwite Mae ONIDL INSTRUMENT Form3028 1101 (puxeio)Rpar"r
<br />asuvnroL GI 5ae
<br />