<br />Words used In multiple sections of this document are defined below and other words are defined in Sectiunn 3.11,13,18,20
<br />audit Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in his documenl are also provided in Section 16.
<br />(A) "Security Instrument" means this document which is dated _ Julie 28th 2002 ,togetherwith
<br />all Riders no this document.
<br />fild Borrower" is Onamae WaddeI an unmarred woman
<br />Bar nwer is the it astor under this .Security Instrument.
<br />(C) '-Lender" is United Nebraska Bank _ finder
<br />s a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of thr. State of Nebraska _.
<br />Lender's address is 900 North Webb Road Grand Island, NE 68693 _
<br />Lender lithe beneficiary under this Security Instrument.
<br />(D) "Trustee" is Unit W Nebraska Bank 900 North W ebb Road Grand N3
<br />F) "Now" means the promissory now signed by Borrower and dated— hme2Rth 2002 The Note
<br />states that Burrower Owes Lender $epev[y F<c'Fh rmsand r Wire and 00/109 -
<br />-Dollars US$75,05100 ) plus interest. BUrrmvuhax promised
<br />to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full not later Wan_ July 12032
<br />(F) Property" means the property that Is described below under the heading "trawwr of Rights in file Properly.'
<br />(G) "Iman" means the debt ¢vide root by the Note, pit's interest any propmeMenl chat gu and late charges due under the
<br />Note, and all cants due under in is Security Imvamour plus interest.
<br />(ID "Riders" meant all Riders to this Ster riry Instrument that use executed by Borrower. The fallowing Riders are an be
<br />execmcd by Borrower [cheek box as applical icl
<br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ Secondflome Rider
<br />❑ Balloon Rider ❑ Plaoncd Unitrbvelopmere Ridcr ❑ OOIV(s)[specipp
<br />❑ 1- 4Femily Rider ❑ Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />(1) "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, slate and local srabnes, regulations, ordinances and
<br />administrative odes and orders (that have the effect of law9 as well as all appliruble final, and wppealahle)udlcial opinions.
<br />(d) "Community Association Duey Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments curd oNerchargcs thntwe
<br />Imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium asewta6on, homeowners association or similar organization_
<br />(K) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of fear other than a transaction originated by check, droll, or
<br />similar paper instrument, which is Intlened through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, Onuagnede tape
<br />to as to order, Instruct oraulhorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account. Such teen includes, but is hot na ed
<br />lo, point-of saw transfers, automated teller machine transactions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and
<br />automated clearinghouse roasters.
<br />(L) "Escrow Items" means Nose Reins that are described In Section 3.
<br />(M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of mimala", or proceeds paid by any third
<br />party (other than Insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described In Section 5) foe (i) damage W, or destruction Of,
<br />the Property; (i) condemnation or other taking or at or any part ofthe Property. (iii) conveyance 1n lieu of condemnation Of
<br />(iv) in is opressentathons of of omissions as m, the value and /or condition of the Propety.
<br />(N) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against time nonpayment of, or default on, the Istan.
<br />(0) "Pcrmorlw Payment" means the regularly scheduled amoumdue lot (1) pfinental and interest under the Nom, plus (it)
<br />any amounts under Section 3 Of this Social iry Instrument.
<br />(P) "RE$PA"means the Rea IF state Settlement Procedures Act (12 IT 42601 to surl)and its implei ling negations.
<br />Regulation X (24 C.F.R, Part3N)l as besought he amended from time to time, or any additional or successor legislation
<br />NEWUSKs Singloka ... 1, Famau MaeTladie Mac IN 11 ORM INS 'I RGMtlNT Norm JMB 1/01 (pupaI j8Pa8eO
<br />Gold)o( m2ID1
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<br />DEED OF
<br />TRUST 200206897
<br />Words used In multiple sections of this document are defined below and other words are defined in Sectiunn 3.11,13,18,20
<br />audit Certain rules regarding the usage of words used in his documenl are also provided in Section 16.
<br />(A) "Security Instrument" means this document which is dated _ Julie 28th 2002 ,togetherwith
<br />all Riders no this document.
<br />fild Borrower" is Onamae WaddeI an unmarred woman
<br />Bar nwer is the it astor under this .Security Instrument.
<br />(C) '-Lender" is United Nebraska Bank _ finder
<br />s a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of thr. State of Nebraska _.
<br />Lender's address is 900 North Webb Road Grand Island, NE 68693 _
<br />Lender lithe beneficiary under this Security Instrument.
<br />(D) "Trustee" is Unit W Nebraska Bank 900 North W ebb Road Grand N3
<br />F) "Now" means the promissory now signed by Borrower and dated— hme2Rth 2002 The Note
<br />states that Burrower Owes Lender $epev[y F<c'Fh rmsand r Wire and 00/109 -
<br />-Dollars US$75,05100 ) plus interest. BUrrmvuhax promised
<br />to pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay the debt in full not later Wan_ July 12032
<br />(F) Property" means the property that Is described below under the heading "trawwr of Rights in file Properly.'
<br />(G) "Iman" means the debt ¢vide root by the Note, pit's interest any propmeMenl chat gu and late charges due under the
<br />Note, and all cants due under in is Security Imvamour plus interest.
<br />(ID "Riders" meant all Riders to this Ster riry Instrument that use executed by Borrower. The fallowing Riders are an be
<br />execmcd by Borrower [cheek box as applical icl
<br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ Secondflome Rider
<br />❑ Balloon Rider ❑ Plaoncd Unitrbvelopmere Ridcr ❑ OOIV(s)[specipp
<br />❑ 1- 4Femily Rider ❑ Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />(1) "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable federal, slate and local srabnes, regulations, ordinances and
<br />administrative odes and orders (that have the effect of law9 as well as all appliruble final, and wppealahle)udlcial opinions.
<br />(d) "Community Association Duey Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessments curd oNerchargcs thntwe
<br />Imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condominium asewta6on, homeowners association or similar organization_
<br />(K) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer of fear other than a transaction originated by check, droll, or
<br />similar paper instrument, which is Intlened through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, Onuagnede tape
<br />to as to order, Instruct oraulhorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account. Such teen includes, but is hot na ed
<br />lo, point-of saw transfers, automated teller machine transactions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and
<br />automated clearinghouse roasters.
<br />(L) "Escrow Items" means Nose Reins that are described In Section 3.
<br />(M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of mimala", or proceeds paid by any third
<br />party (other than Insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described In Section 5) foe (i) damage W, or destruction Of,
<br />the Property; (i) condemnation or other taking or at or any part ofthe Property. (iii) conveyance 1n lieu of condemnation Of
<br />(iv) in is opressentathons of of omissions as m, the value and /or condition of the Propety.
<br />(N) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Lender against time nonpayment of, or default on, the Istan.
<br />(0) "Pcrmorlw Payment" means the regularly scheduled amoumdue lot (1) pfinental and interest under the Nom, plus (it)
<br />any amounts under Section 3 Of this Social iry Instrument.
<br />(P) "RE$PA"means the Rea IF state Settlement Procedures Act (12 IT 42601 to surl)and its implei ling negations.
<br />Regulation X (24 C.F.R, Part3N)l as besought he amended from time to time, or any additional or successor legislation
<br />NEWUSKs Singloka ... 1, Famau MaeTladie Mac IN 11 ORM INS 'I RGMtlNT Norm JMB 1/01 (pupaI j8Pa8eO
<br />Gold)o( m2ID1
<br />