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200206895 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />F✓ " (se <br />COW CY 7 <br />SAVINGS AND LO AN <br />sT OF. GRAND ISLAND <br />SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />N OF GRAND ISLAND <br />"Secured Party" <br />Bef m me, a Notary Public qualified in said County, personally wme Barry G. Sandstrom as President and CEO of HOME <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAI ION, known to me to be the identical person who signed die foregoing Subordination <br />Agreement on behalf of such entity, and acknowledged to execution thereof lu be In% wlunary act and deed on behalf of such entity. <br />Witness nryliand and N arial seal on this ;t/ daYof <br />fRAL NOTARY SIM YT As["a �. YC <br />NANC4 5- NNAPP L4 e r �� -'�-- <br />Myjai Ia Aug. 181Y Notary P blc <br />My Commission Expuesu <br />