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200206882 <br />Borrower umu not cause or permit me pmommc use, u1spmal, storage, m IV Iwcor ally....., wrw.,.,,, ..,... „o, <br />threaten to release any Haaandeus Subslnnces, on or in the Property , Borrower shall not it”, nor allow anyone else to do, <br />anything affecting the Property (a) that is In violation of any Environmental law, (b) which creates an Lnvtrunmental <br />Condition, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of a I Imaadeue School creates a condition that adversely <br />aReds the value Of the Property. The preceding two senlmocs shall not applyto the presence, use, orsmrageon thcProperty <br />of small quantities of Huncen ur Substances that are generally recognize wbeupproPratewnortnairesidenfilu sundw <br />maintenance of the Property (including but not limited to, hazardous .substances in consumer products). <br />Borrower shall promptly give Underwritten notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, Iaw.cuimrMher action <br />by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardons Substance or <br />Ltrvummental raw motors Burrower by actual knowledge. (b) anyftnvtronmental Condition, inclutbngbutnotllmitedto, <br />unyspilling, leaking discharge, release orthreat of release of any hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition causal by the <br />presence, use or of hazardous Substance which adversely affects the value of Property lRorrower lurnmem is <br />notified by any govemmental or regulatory authority, or my private party, that any removal or other remedtation of any <br />Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly takeell rairEns remedial actions in <br />acmNUnce N Environmental Ww.Nothmgherein <br />rower an Under further coveonlcndsrve as teal Cleanup. <br />N. AccelFORYnCOVENANTS. Borrower and Lenderlusher covenant and prior follows. <br />2's reachofany et or Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior lu rto acceleration fallowing <br />Borrower's breachofanycovenant oragnrmurlinthis Security Instrument (but not prior to under <br />Section 18 unless Applicable Law provides es herm3l) d The notice shall he notice (a) the tralhoq (b) the action <br />required to cure be default; (c) i date, oat less thaure duds from the date the notice is given fi Bin the rebye may <br />the It in must tin of and (s that secured by this sure the Instrument nn or before the date Propertyin fie notice may <br />result to acceleration of the sums ht to re by this security Instrument antl sale of the Property. The notice shag <br />further inform Bureaucrat the right to reinstate Boer acceleration and the right lebring acefirm a onto ass on or <br />ofore the date specified or any ntherdefense a tits swam acceleration and saleepaytlent hull weed tinor <br />before the date Security in the notice, Under rt e option may d may invoke immediate pay a of s l fall of all sums <br />sec <br />mind by this Security Instrument w. Uri further demand and may t al pe power ur sale and any otter <br />remedies provided by in Section Law. Isamu shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred to posts of the <br />amen ics provided in [hie Sttliun 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' ors and costs of title <br />remedies <br />vhlettce. <br />If rty Is located and shall invoked, mock Trustee shall record <br />ein the annex faultieteach county ' hetwinp pan or <br />the Property er perso andshall ed yAppofsuch ace. in the manner required by Applicable L w, Tr sortonxr shall <br />give lubliothere of sideprescribedby Applicable Law. Akerthe time inquired ble Applicable Law, Trustee derrind <br />give. public notice of side We persons and public the <br />aumanner prescribed by Applicable Lan. Truck c wind tin ea the <br />to ms de Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidderer the time and place. d under may <br />terms tle sale Merlin the notice el sale in once or more parcels now in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may and <br />postpone scheduled sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public armoury at any sae. time and place of any previously at <br />schetluleUpon receipt Under ro oymentof to price bill, Trustee Yrvp tyat tothep <br />Upon Theiptofstainthe Tr see's ebid, Trusteerin lr facie ierid evidence Trvelee's deed conveying <br />the Properly. The radio l in the roc ice's deed shall be prima order: (a) of the costs a of We statements made <br />therein. Trustee shall apply ale, proceeds <br />including g the.cay in the following f the order: (a) to all cock and expenses or a reasonable <br />the ranee fees sale, and the sale, including the payment of ores se rd b fees actually incurred and nvsona ny <br />attorneys' fees as permitted by Applicable Law; (h) to all antes secured by this Security Ine[rumenh, and (a9 any <br />r.rrna to the nrvrxnn or ne,sma locally entitled t0 il. <br />Such person or persons shall pay any recordation crisis. maychaige such person or persons a tee for recvnveying the <br />Property, but only if the fee is paid to a third party (such as the Trustee) for services modeled and the charging ofthe fee is <br />permitted under Applicable face. <br />24. Substitute Trustee. roamer, at its option may main time in time remove Trustee and appoint a successor <br />trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is <br />carded. Without conveyance ofthe Property, the successor mstee shall succeed to all the title, powcrmtd dutosconfrval <br />upon "trustee herein and by Applicable fmv <br />25. Requestfor Nnlices. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and sale be sent to Borrowers <br />address which is the Property Address. <br />BY SIGNING Bl1LOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the her ins and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument and in any Rider executed by Borrower and recorded with it <br />Witnesses'. <br />t, vv� —S� Cheat) <br />Moreover Kuruna S Gaddam <br />�. 2j" 1 (Seal) <br />Bonowcr Radial KRapdapad <br />(Sent) <br />Borrower <br />(Seal) <br />Burrower <br />NHIRASKA.- Smidrzmily- Fannic MatlPmeele Mac UNIFORM INS ranMENT PnrnJa28 1101 9N a Pn3e0 <br />97549% nN21 1Ho 2 <br />cortiWa3J(W1 <br />