DEED OF TRUST 200206880
<br />Loan No: 34454 (Continued) Page 6
<br />Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary means Bank of Clarks, we Its successors and assigns.
<br />Borrower. The word "Borrower' Means Mauricio A. Gonzalez, and all other persons and entities signing the Note.
<br />Dead of Trust. The wows 'Pope of Trust" mean this Dead of Trust among Trustoq Lender and Trustee, and includes without limitation all
<br />assignment and security interest provisions relating to the Personal Property and Rents.
<br />Environmental Lam. The words "Environmental Laws' mean any and all whoor federal and local statutes, regulaterns and ortlinanees
<br />relating to the pretectlon of human real or the environment lnoluding without limlaticn the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
<br />Compenselwn, and Liability Act Of 1980, as amended, 42 IT Section ai at sea- ( "GRECIAN ), the Supedund Amendments and
<br />Reauthorization Amt of 1995, Pub_ L. No. feel ( "SARA'), the H ZGL Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 1iet, et roof , the
<br />Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 ITS Series 6901, at Sap . of other applicable state or federal laws, rules, or regulations
<br />adopted pursuant therein
<br />Event of Default. The words 'Event Of Default" mean any of the events of default set fodb in fhb Deed or Trust In the events of default
<br />comes of this Deed of Trust.
<br />Guaranty. The ward "Guaranty " means the guaranty train guarantor, endorser surety, or accommodation party to Lentler, Pending without
<br />limitation a guaranty of all Cr pad of the Note.
<br />Hazardous Substances. The words "Hazardous Sordonncas" mean materiels that, because of than quantity, concentration or physloall,
<br />chemical or Inteeoous Characteristics, may cause or pose a pressM or pWamiel hazard to human health Or the environment when Improperly
<br />Lead, tvalord, scored, disposed of generated, manufactured, transpmled Or otherwise handled. The weeds ^Hazardous Substances ^ are
<br />used in their vary broadest sense and Include without lmnation any and all hazardous or toxic resonances, materials or waste as darned by
<br />listed under the Environmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also includes without limitation, petroleum and petroleum
<br />oy-sm ll or any reduce thereof and asbestos.
<br />Improvements. The word "Improvements" means all existing and future improvements, buildings atrLmums, mebae homes arlxed On me
<br />Real Property, Dollars, additions, approached and other cor e rucran on the Real Property.
<br />Indebtedness. The word °Indebtedness " means are p radian ,merest, and other amounts, costs and expenses payable under the Note or
<br />Related Decumerns. together with all renewed of overseas of, maddiwtlons of consolidations of and substitutions for the Note or Minimal
<br />Documents and any amounts expanded or advanced by Lont ar to discharge Trusters obligation or exiceni incurred by Trustee or
<br />Lender m enforce Threats obligations under this Deed Or Trust, together with neomat on such amounts as provided in this Deed of Trust.
<br />Lender. The ward "Lender ^ m ns Bank of Clarks Its reactances and assigns. The words ^successor or assigns" mean any person or
<br />company that Adelaide any Interest in the Note.
<br />Note The word "Note" means me promissory note dated Jane 2B, 2092, in the original principal amount of 554,000.00 from
<br />Borrower to Lender, together with all renewals of aMensions of modifications of, refinancings O( consolidations of, and substitutions for the
<br />practically note or agreement
<br />Personal Prof y. The words "Personal Property' mean all equipment futures, and other articles of personal property now or hereafter
<br />Owned by Trustop and now or hereafter attached or aHbad to the Real Produce together with all assessment parts, and additions to, all
<br />replacements oL and all substitutions for, any of Lean prop" and together wIN all proceeds (Including without limitation all insurance
<br />proceeds antl refunds Of pmmwms) from any sale or other dlspesulon of me Repair
<br />Property. The word "Property" means eolleclivelly the Real Pmphes and the Personal Property
<br />Real Property. The words "Real Property " mean the real around Interests and rights, are further described In this Dead of Trust.
<br />Related Documents. The words "Related Documents" rown all promissory notes, credit agreements, loan agreements, environmental
<br />agreements, guaranies, security agreements, mortgages, peace of busts curtly deeds, collateral modgeges, and all other instruments,
<br />agreements and dkesuents, whether now or hereafter existing, expected in connection with the Indedtednes.s.
<br />Rents. The word "Rents" means all present and future rents, Pipeline, income, issues, royalties, picots. and other benefits dciwed from the
<br />Pmpery
<br />Trustee. The now 'Trustee" means Bank of Clarks, whose address is 301 N. Green, PO. Box 125, Clarks, NE 696280125 and any
<br />sum tlture or successor trustees
<br />Truster. Thin word "Truster" means Meurldo A Gonzalo, and Carmen Gonzalez.
<br />ITS TERMS. i
<br />TRUSTOR:
<br />tmOanzal IntlIVI EUaIIy
<br />.In I all
<br />STATE OF
<br />)55
<br />COUNTY OF 1
<br />On this day before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared Mauricia A. Gonzalez and Carmen Gonzalez, to me known to be
<br />the individuals described In and who executed the Deed Of Trust, and acknowledge! that may signed the. Dead of Trust as their free and
<br />vo urnary act end dead, for taw "ma and purposes therein mentioned_
<br />Given under my hand and official seal ro esis 4 AL day of
<br />By
<br />yGENE9aCi ^ "'' °a of na0a Notary Public in te f 10 Y
<br />2� gesitlin9 of
<br />CAiAhUE E MEYEA M1
<br />14.l
<br />My commia9 on explr® _.
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