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PROMISSORY NOTE 200206850 <br />2 ��� ��10. 3� jV hVC An,aci z <br />Balance Date <br />LUE ALLAN and MARGARET ALLAN hereby promise to pay to Eleanor <br />Arlene Fischer, as Trustee for THE ELEANOR ARLENE FISCHER TRUST <br />executed April 16, 1991 the sum of $ _Z s5, 9'fOr 3S with <br />interest at the rate of 7M% per annum amortized over a period of <br />months commencing V tN / 5 2002 and payment of <br />$ It H on the 15th of each and every month thereafter in <br />accordance with the attached amortization schedule marked Exhibit <br />B and made a part hereof by reference for a total of ICS months <br />at which time we agree to pay the remaining balance due. This <br />Promissory Note is secured by a Deed of Trust granted by Harry <br />Stalker and Stalker Development, LTD. from whom we purchased the <br />real estate shown on the attached Exhibit A. We are bound by the <br />terms of this Deed of Trust. <br />These special terms apply to this Promissory Note: <br />1. Double the amortized amount each year may be prepaid <br />without penalty. <br />2. Any payment missed by ten days or more shall cause a <br />penalty to be payable in the amount of 7%% of the monthly payment. <br />3. There shall be no prepayment re ired in case of the <br />death of Eleanor Arlene Fischer <br />LUE ALLAN <br />MARGARE ALLAN <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ] <br />( ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL —r!] <br />ON THIS � day of 2(070 2002, before me, a Notary <br />Public in and for said cou and state, personally appeared LUE <br />ALLAN, and he acknowledge execution of the foregoing Promissory <br />Note to be his voluntary act and deed. <br />WITNESS my hand and seal the date last-above writ en. <br />Not y Public <br />GENEgAI NOT4ff SW of Nehm10a <br />II HARRY 0. STALKER <br />yy lbrom. Er0. Dct 1.2009 <br />5 <br />