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FILE: 02 -7830 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />200206843 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot One (1), all of Lot Two (2), Lot Three (3), Lot Four (4), <br />Fractional Lot Five (5), Fractional Lot Six (6), Lot Seven (7), Lot Eight (8) and all of vacated alley all <br />in Fractional Block Sixteen (16), Kernohan and Decker's Addition, and all of Fractional Lot Five (5) <br />and Fractional Lot Six (6), in Fractional Block One (1), Charles Wasmer's Addition, all in the City of <br />Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of <br />said Fractional Lot Five (5), Fractional Block One (1), Charles Wasmer's Addition; thence running <br />northwesterly along the westerly line of said Fractional Blocks One (1) and Sixteen (16), on an Assumed <br />Bearing of N 30e 00' 00" W, a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Nine and Sixteen Hundredths (279.16) <br />feet, to the northwest corner of said Lot Four (4), Fractional Block Sixteen (16), Kernohan and Decker's <br />Addition; thence running N 59a 48' 05" E, along the northerly line of said Fractional Block Sixteen (16), <br />a distance of Two Hundred Thirty Nine and Forty Five Hundredths (239.45) feet, to a point on the <br />northerly line of said Lot One (1), Fractional Block Sixteen (16), Kernohan and Decker's Addition; <br />thence running S 74e 01' 56" E, a distance of Thirty Four and Eighty Four Hundredths (34.84) feet, to <br />a point on the easterly line of said Lot One (1), Fractional Block Sixteen (16), Kernohan and Decker's <br />Addition; thence running S 30e 00' 25" E along the easterly line of said Fractional Block Sixteen (16), a <br />distance of Two Hundred Fifty Four and Four Tenths (254.40) feet, to the southeast comer of said Lot <br />Eight (8), Fractional Block Sixteen (16), Kernohan and Deckers Addition; thence running S 60e 01'57" <br />W along the southerly line of said Fractional Blocks One (1) and Sixteen (16), a distance of Two <br />Hundred Sixty Three and Sixty Nine Hundredths (263.69) feet, to the point of beginning. <br />Page 2 Form SoRware by Automated Real Estate Services, Inc. 14043341395 02-739 / <br />