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11 i <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 55 <br />fin <br />t ► <br />Bank Green 200206830 <br />301 N. . Green <br />P.O. Box 125 <br />Clarks, 6E 68628 -0125 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(J .. <br />MAXIMUM LIEN, The lien of this Deed of Trust shall;not exceed at any one time ,$95,000.00. � <br />THiS DEED OF TRUST is dated June 19, 2002, among Baltazar. Palma - Ambriz, as husband and debtor, <br />Whose address is 3810 East Seedling Mile, Grand Island,. NE : 68801 and Gloria Palma- Ambriz, as wife, <br />whose: address is 3810 East Seedling Mile, Grand Island;' NE 58801 ( "Trustor "); Bank of Clarks, Whose <br />address is 301 14. Green, P.O. Box 125, Clarks, NE 68628.0125 (referred, to below sometimes as "Lender" <br />and sometimes as "Beneficiary "), and Bank of Clarks, whose - address Is 301 -N. Green, P.O. Box 125, Clarks, <br />NE 58628 -0125 (referred to below as "Trustee"). � <br />CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in•trust,•WiTH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit of <br />Lender as Beneficiary, all of Tr.rstor's right, title, and Interest in and'to the following described real pro(xarty, together with all existing or <br />subsequently erectF cl Or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and <br />ditch rights (including st x k !n uukl iss with ditch or irrigation rights); and all other ri hts, oyalties, and refits relating to the real roperty, including <br />without limitation all minerals, oil, gas, gectherrral and,similar matters, (the "Real Property ") located. in Hall elounty, State of <br />Nebraska: <br />Lot Two (2), Paustian 2nd Subdl>1i!z,.,,n, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Real Property or its address is commonly known as,. 3810; East Seedling Mile, Grand Island, NE 68801. <br />FUTURE ADVANCES, Spocif;cally, without limitation; this Deed of Trust,secure.s, In•addition'to the amounts specified in the Note, all futuro <br />amounts Lendor in its discretion, may loan to Borrower; together with all Interest thereon; however, In no event shall such future advances <br />(axciuding interest) oxceed in the aggregate 535,000.00. <br />Trustor prosentiy assigns to Londor (also known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trust) all of Trustor's right, title, and interest in and to all present <br />and futuro leases of the Property and all Rents from the Property. In addition, Trustor grants to Lender• a Uniform Commercial Code security <br />interest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE'SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL <br />PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS A6 (B) PERFORMANCE OF; ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS <br />UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST.. THIS DEED OF TRUST. IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE <br />FOLLOWING TERMC: <br />TRUSTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Trustor Warrants;lhat :, (a)'lhis Deod of Trust is executed at Borrower's request and not <br />at the request e! Lender; (b) Trustor has the full power, right, and authority, to4riter Into this Deed.of Trust and to hypothecate the Property; (c) <br />tho provisions of this Deed of Trust do not conflict with; or result In a default %under anY agreement o?,other'Instrument Dinding upon Trustor and <br />do riot rosult in a violation of any law, regulation, court decree or order applicable to Trustor; (d) Trustor has established adequate means of <br />obtaining from Borrower on a continuing basis information about Borrower's, financial condition: and (ff)'Lendor has made no representatlon to <br />Trustor about Sorrower (including without limitation the creditworthiness of Borrower): ; <br />TRUSTOR'S WAIVERS. Trustor walvos all rightb or defenses arising by reason o0any 'one aetlon" or.'anti•deliciency' taw, or any other taw <br />which may prevent Lender from bringing any action against Trustor, Including a Ialm for defiolency to'the extent Lender Is otherwise entitled to a <br />claim for deficiency, before or after Lender's commencement or completion of'tnyforectosure action, either Judicially or by exercise of a power of <br />sale. <br />PAYMENT AND PERFCRMANCE, Except as otherwise provided in this Deed.of Trust, Borrower shall`pay,to Lender all Indebtodness secured by <br />this Deed of Trust as it becomes duo, and Borrower and Trustot shall strlctlyypgrfprm till their rospWiva,obligations under the Note, this Deed of <br />Trust, and the Related Documents. <br />.POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY, Borrower and Trustor agree that Borrower's and Trustors possession and use of the <br />Property shall be govornW by trio following provisions; <br />Possession and Use. Until th:a occurrence of an Event of Default, Trustor may,­ (1)+ remain In possession ond�con!rol of tho Property; (2) <br />uso° operate or manage the Proporty; and (3) collect tho Rents from the Property, <br />Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property, In good condiflgn','Snd prgmptly`pgrform all repairs; repia4ements, and maintenance <br />necessary to pre serve Its value. <br />Compliance With Environmental Laws, Trustor represents and'warrants to,Lendor that; '(1)` During the period of Trustor's ownership of <br />tho Property, there hqs boon no use, gennrstion, manufacture, storage; treatment;,, disposal, release'or threatened release of any Hazardous <br />Substance by any pwson on, undor, about or from the Property; (e) Trustor has no knowledge of, or reason to believe that there has been, <br />oxcept as previously disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender In wrltinpp,° (a) any breach or vlolalIon.of any Environmental Laws, (b) ary <br />use, uc;noration, manufacture; storage, treatmont, disposal, relorrse or throalonod release of any Hazardous Substancei on, under, about or <br />from rite Property by any prior ownors or occupants of the Property, or (c) any actual or threatened litigation or claims of any kind by any <br />person rolr.,ting to such matters; and (3) Except as previously disclosed to and acknowledgod. by Lsndor,ln writing; (a) . n6lthor Trustor nor <br />any loriant, contractor, agent or other authorized user of the Property, zhai�;Use, generate, manufacture, store, treat, dispose of or release any <br />hlx:nrctous substance on, undor, about or from the Property; and (b) ;any,such activity shall be conducted In compliance with ail appllcablc <br />lodura!, state, and local laws; rovilMlons and ordlnancos, Including without limitation all Environmental Laws, Trustor: authorizes Lender and <br />Its agents to ranter upon the Property to make such inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense,, $$ Lender may doom appropriate to <br />doterrnina compliance of the Property with this section of the Dead of Trust. Any Inspections or teats made by Lender shail be for Lender's <br />purposes only and droll not be construed to croato any responsibility, or. liability on 'he part of,Lendar.'tq Trustor or`t8 any other person. The <br />representations and warrantles conlalred horeln are based on `Trustor's` duffs diligence, In ", InV6atigating trio Property for Hazardous <br />Subr.tancos, Trustor hereby (1) reloases and waives'pny futuro�clalrri6 against Lender for Indemnity, or'oontributlon In tha event Trustor <br />laocornes liable for cleanup o(, other costs under any such laws; and (2) .agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender against any and all <br />cialms, leers +s, liakiilltir +sr �famages, ponallios, and expenses which Lender may directly or Indirectly sustain or suffer resulting from a breach <br />y <br />n � <br />m <br />m <br />- <br />t <br />c. <br />Zt <br />C= <br />N <br />C?�d <br />C� CD <br />-mss <br />n <br />= <br />con <br />� <br />� <br />- = <br />fV <br />�, <br />C=) <br />= <br />q`ra <br />o' <br />V <br />0,1 (1„ <br />frn <br />coo <br />r" '^L <br />_0 <br />y." CSi <br />C: <br />`! <br />Fri. <br />4n <br />CO co <br />WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 55 <br />fin <br />t ► <br />Bank Green 200206830 <br />301 N. . Green <br />P.O. Box 125 <br />Clarks, 6E 68628 -0125 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(J .. <br />MAXIMUM LIEN, The lien of this Deed of Trust shall;not exceed at any one time ,$95,000.00. � <br />THiS DEED OF TRUST is dated June 19, 2002, among Baltazar. Palma - Ambriz, as husband and debtor, <br />Whose address is 3810 East Seedling Mile, Grand Island,. NE : 68801 and Gloria Palma- Ambriz, as wife, <br />whose: address is 3810 East Seedling Mile, Grand Island;' NE 58801 ( "Trustor "); Bank of Clarks, Whose <br />address is 301 14. Green, P.O. Box 125, Clarks, NE 68628.0125 (referred, to below sometimes as "Lender" <br />and sometimes as "Beneficiary "), and Bank of Clarks, whose - address Is 301 -N. Green, P.O. Box 125, Clarks, <br />NE 58628 -0125 (referred to below as "Trustee"). � <br />CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For valuable consideration, Trustor conveys to Trustee in•trust,•WiTH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit of <br />Lender as Beneficiary, all of Tr.rstor's right, title, and Interest in and'to the following described real pro(xarty, together with all existing or <br />subsequently erectF cl Or affixed buildings, improvements and fixtures; all easements, rights of way, and appurtenances; all water, water rights and <br />ditch rights (including st x k !n uukl iss with ditch or irrigation rights); and all other ri hts, oyalties, and refits relating to the real roperty, including <br />without limitation all minerals, oil, gas, gectherrral and,similar matters, (the "Real Property ") located. in Hall elounty, State of <br />Nebraska: <br />Lot Two (2), Paustian 2nd Subdl>1i!z,.,,n, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Real Property or its address is commonly known as,. 3810; East Seedling Mile, Grand Island, NE 68801. <br />FUTURE ADVANCES, Spocif;cally, without limitation; this Deed of Trust,secure.s, In•addition'to the amounts specified in the Note, all futuro <br />amounts Lendor in its discretion, may loan to Borrower; together with all Interest thereon; however, In no event shall such future advances <br />(axciuding interest) oxceed in the aggregate 535,000.00. <br />Trustor prosentiy assigns to Londor (also known as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trust) all of Trustor's right, title, and interest in and to all present <br />and futuro leases of the Property and all Rents from the Property. In addition, Trustor grants to Lender• a Uniform Commercial Code security <br />interest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND THE'SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND PERSONAL <br />PROPERTY, IS GIVEN TO SECURE (A) PAYMENT OF THE INDEBTEDNESS A6 (B) PERFORMANCE OF; ANY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS <br />UNDER THE NOTE, THE RELATED DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED OF TRUST.. THIS DEED OF TRUST. IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED ON THE <br />FOLLOWING TERMC: <br />TRUSTOR'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Trustor Warrants;lhat :, (a)'lhis Deod of Trust is executed at Borrower's request and not <br />at the request e! Lender; (b) Trustor has the full power, right, and authority, to4riter Into this Deed.of Trust and to hypothecate the Property; (c) <br />tho provisions of this Deed of Trust do not conflict with; or result In a default %under anY agreement o?,other'Instrument Dinding upon Trustor and <br />do riot rosult in a violation of any law, regulation, court decree or order applicable to Trustor; (d) Trustor has established adequate means of <br />obtaining from Borrower on a continuing basis information about Borrower's, financial condition: and (ff)'Lendor has made no representatlon to <br />Trustor about Sorrower (including without limitation the creditworthiness of Borrower): ; <br />TRUSTOR'S WAIVERS. Trustor walvos all rightb or defenses arising by reason o0any 'one aetlon" or.'anti•deliciency' taw, or any other taw <br />which may prevent Lender from bringing any action against Trustor, Including a Ialm for defiolency to'the extent Lender Is otherwise entitled to a <br />claim for deficiency, before or after Lender's commencement or completion of'tnyforectosure action, either Judicially or by exercise of a power of <br />sale. <br />PAYMENT AND PERFCRMANCE, Except as otherwise provided in this Deed.of Trust, Borrower shall`pay,to Lender all Indebtodness secured by <br />this Deed of Trust as it becomes duo, and Borrower and Trustot shall strlctlyypgrfprm till their rospWiva,obligations under the Note, this Deed of <br />Trust, and the Related Documents. <br />.POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY, Borrower and Trustor agree that Borrower's and Trustors possession and use of the <br />Property shall be govornW by trio following provisions; <br />Possession and Use. Until th:a occurrence of an Event of Default, Trustor may,­ (1)+ remain In possession ond�con!rol of tho Property; (2) <br />uso° operate or manage the Proporty; and (3) collect tho Rents from the Property, <br />Duty to Maintain. Trustor shall maintain the Property, In good condiflgn','Snd prgmptly`pgrform all repairs; repia4ements, and maintenance <br />necessary to pre serve Its value. <br />Compliance With Environmental Laws, Trustor represents and'warrants to,Lendor that; '(1)` During the period of Trustor's ownership of <br />tho Property, there hqs boon no use, gennrstion, manufacture, storage; treatment;,, disposal, release'or threatened release of any Hazardous <br />Substance by any pwson on, undor, about or from the Property; (e) Trustor has no knowledge of, or reason to believe that there has been, <br />oxcept as previously disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender In wrltinpp,° (a) any breach or vlolalIon.of any Environmental Laws, (b) ary <br />use, uc;noration, manufacture; storage, treatmont, disposal, relorrse or throalonod release of any Hazardous Substancei on, under, about or <br />from rite Property by any prior ownors or occupants of the Property, or (c) any actual or threatened litigation or claims of any kind by any <br />person rolr.,ting to such matters; and (3) Except as previously disclosed to and acknowledgod. by Lsndor,ln writing; (a) . n6lthor Trustor nor <br />any loriant, contractor, agent or other authorized user of the Property, zhai�;Use, generate, manufacture, store, treat, dispose of or release any <br />hlx:nrctous substance on, undor, about or from the Property; and (b) ;any,such activity shall be conducted In compliance with ail appllcablc <br />lodura!, state, and local laws; rovilMlons and ordlnancos, Including without limitation all Environmental Laws, Trustor: authorizes Lender and <br />Its agents to ranter upon the Property to make such inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense,, $$ Lender may doom appropriate to <br />doterrnina compliance of the Property with this section of the Dead of Trust. Any Inspections or teats made by Lender shail be for Lender's <br />purposes only and droll not be construed to croato any responsibility, or. liability on 'he part of,Lendar.'tq Trustor or`t8 any other person. The <br />representations and warrantles conlalred horeln are based on `Trustor's` duffs diligence, In ", InV6atigating trio Property for Hazardous <br />Subr.tancos, Trustor hereby (1) reloases and waives'pny futuro�clalrri6 against Lender for Indemnity, or'oontributlon In tha event Trustor <br />laocornes liable for cleanup o(, other costs under any such laws; and (2) .agrees to Indemnify and hold harmless Lender against any and all <br />cialms, leers +s, liakiilltir +sr �famages, ponallios, and expenses which Lender may directly or Indirectly sustain or suffer resulting from a breach <br />y <br />