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FII L- 02.0046 _:. s $ <br />EXHIBLT "A" :4 <br />CD <br />A tract of bend cauprlSbg M Fart Of Lot 1110" (3), II'altaeeto Dili <br />"Third SMbdly un Addition to <br />L -a <br />the City of Grand Ishad, HMB Combly. and IBM alar�y a(tw Penh -- <br />Beginning at the sootbaat career' of add Lot Three M, try Third • Muni' tbpaos N <br />0) <br />lw 0!' 9" ol and span the south Rue of wad Lot Twee M. Fabacea Dairy n1drd SubdvLion, <br />Hundred Tadw and Seven Tmtbo (312.70) Out to a southnoest WSW or sidd Let <br />r <br />a dls <br />Three P), Falraces Dairy Third SMbohielo■, std point also being the "Othmt com w of loot (2), <br />wat line of main Lot Three (3/�,). Pmrsem <br />� <br />Pauwtlan Subdivision; thence N 00' 12' L4" W, along and open a <br />Daly Third Subdivisiw, and who bel" olaog and upon an mg Wm of a" toot TWO M), pmoom <br />Sebdiviniab a distnew of Three Hundred Twerfy Five 8n11 Thirty Three, Hundreddls (32533) feet to <br />a monument career of sold Lot Three (3). Fdracne Dairy Third SubdiAllon, pfd point MISO being a <br />ceunat. of a" nut Two (,2). Vagadim Subdhlde% thence N 00' 03" 31" W, alms and upon m <br />northeast <br />South line of add Lot Three (3). F'afhaw Daley Third Subdivision, and Mlse being day end upon a <br />north lino of sold Lot Two (2), a Maimoe of Sbdeae mad Seventy One Hundredths <br />(16.11) h*j to a amdnmt corm' of a" Ent Three (3) Filrala sa Dairy Third. Subdivision, old pint <br />N 00. OL' 22" W,aloq <br />also dafag a sorthalet corner of add Lai Tea (2), Fyewtfen Subdivision; than= <br />mad up= a west Rae of add Lot lhtm (3), FAnwm Dairy Third S'bdivialao, and nine being alms and <br />open an cost line of add Lot TMro (2), Pantie Subdfelalenp a dlstaeoe of FERy Etgbt nod Moty One <br />Handredths (Sul) ted to a soothersd corner of Bald Lot Three t3), Faltures Dairy Third Sabdivlsioo, <br />odd point also belt the northeast career of Slid Lot 7*0 (2). P"Wam SnbdMsfoa, thence S 00" 56' <br />23" E, along and opm the eMStSty prolemption of a South Ras at wild Lot Three (3). FaWmas Dstry <br />Third SslnlivWm, and also heft stag and open the es t* wolefthife" of the north line of said Lot <br />Two (2), pausti n SubdlMslon, a distance of Three Hundred Twenty Nine and Six Hundredths (324.06) <br />feet to a paint on the said line of sad Let Three M. Fafrac ea Dairy Third Subdivlsien; thence S 00' 13' <br />43" E, day and upon am east line at sold tat Thrsa (3). Fahacear Dab? 'Tided SntaBvlsio., a dlstom <br />of 7hrm Hundred Eighty 'Term Nicely Two Hundredths (3t =fiat to the poled of'bpdnniog. <br />„and <br />NOT'I LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBjS T TO CHANCE UPON THE PULING OF THE FLAT FOR <br />FAIRACRES DAIRY SEVENTH SUBDIVNIEW, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />v.Na Twwig, PAM §MWMa.m.a sm.1404W%2e <br />�M+► <br />tin 11 i 71MV Qnc T 771 T I'PMnM'WQ-Q4 1 IWMI CQM T01 H / Q: An 7n- Q7 -unt, <br />