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M = > N <br />x O ' f�` <br />a a y V F1'I 3 rte- :r ° H <br />CT <br />N CD co <br />S Qi <br />0 <br />2002068 ®6 <br />• THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS <br />PUBLIC SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT <br />�0 <br />This Public Sewer Connection Permit is made by and between the CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, s <br />NEBRASKA, a Municipal Corporation, herein referred to as the "Permitor" and ARNOLD C. WENN AND <br />-LINDA C. WENN, hereinafter referred to as the "Permittee." <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, the Permittee desires to connect to the Northeast Interceptor, (D-4), a tract of land comprising <br />of a part of Lot One (1) Voss Subdivision of part of the South Half (S 1/2) of Section Eleven (11), Township <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6" P.M. in Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SE1 /4, SW I/4) of said Section Eleven (11); running thence easterly along and upon <br />the south line of aid SETA SWIA of said Section 11, a distance of 277.5 feet; thence <br />northerly and parallel to the westerly line of said SE1A SW1A of said Section 11, a <br />distance of 33 feet to the actual Point of Beginning; thence continuing northerly on <br />said line a distance of 150.9 feet; thence easterly and parallel to the southerly line of ' <br />said SETA SWl /4 of Section 11, a distance of 50 feet; thence southerly parallel to <br />the westerly line of said SEI /4 SWIA of said Section 11, a distance of 150.9 feet; <br />thence westerly parallel and 33 feet northerly from the southerly line of the SE 1/4 <br />S W I /4 of said Section 11, a distance of 50 feet to the actual Point of Beginning. <br />WHEREAS, the City will permit sanitary sewer lines to connect directly to interceptor lines and <br />manholes, subject to certain conditions being met by the Permittee. <br />-1- <br />