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200206773 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8743 (Cont.) <br />Name <br />Description <br />Assessment <br />Central Community College <br />Part of the SE1 /4, SW I/4 of 29 -11 -9; more particularly <br />159,112.01 <br />described as a tract of land lying north of U.S. Highway 34 <br />and east of and adjacent to Tech Drive, being 300 feet east <br />and west, and 752.52 feet north and south. <br />College Park at Grand Island <br />Part of the SW 1/4, SW 1/4 of 29 -11 -9, more particularly <br />145,933.26 <br />described as a tract of land lying north of U.S. Highway 34 <br />and west of and adjacent to Tech Drive, being 300 feet east <br />and west and 750 feet north and south. <br />TOTAL <br />$305,045.27 <br />SECTION 2. The special tax shall become delinquent as follows: One -tenth of <br />the total amount shall become delinquent in fifty days; one -tenth in one year; one - tenth in two <br />years; one -tenth in three years; one -tenth in four years, one -tenth in five years; one -tenth in six <br />years; one -tenth in seven years; one -tenth in eight years; and one -tenth in nine years respectively, <br />after the date of such levy; provided, however, the entire amount so assessed and levied against <br />any lot, tract or parcel of land may be paid within fifty days from the date of this levy without <br />interest, and the lien of special tax thereby satisfied and released. Each of said installments, <br />except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven percent (7.0 %) per annum from the time <br />of such levy until they shall become delinquent. After the same become delinquent, interest at <br />the rate of fourteen percent (14.0 %) per annum shall be paid thereon, until the same is collected <br />and paid. <br />SECTION 3. The treasurer of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, is 'hereby <br />directed to collect the amount of said taxes herein set forth as provided by law. I <br />SECTION 4. Such special assessments shall be paid into a fund to be designated <br />as the "Paving District Assessment Fund" for Street Improvement District No. 1238. <br />Approved as to Form <br />_.- 2 - 1 June 21, 2002 ♦ City Attorney <br />