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6k <br />5w 200206771 <br />rims COQ, (; <br />tt t 'sill and ?estzcm�nt �' r� p, <br />OF APR 03 1979 <br />IR.ENE A. 1:RUM! HAtt COU,7TY <br />Np <br />NeU� /Jf , Irene A. Krohn, of Grand Island, Nall County, RASM <br />aska, do hereby make, publish and declare this to be my Last <br />Will and Testament and hereby revoke any Wills heretofore m:,le <br />by me: <br />I <br />I direct that my lawful debts, the expenses of my <br />last illness, my funeral charges, the administration expenses and <br />other costs of administering my estate, the costs of delivering <br />bequests and other proper charges against my estate should be <br />paid first by my Executor -at of my estate, without allowance or <br />order of any Court. <br />II <br />All the rest, residue and remainder of my property, <br />both real and personal, wherever situated and whether acquired <br />before or after the execution of this Will, I give, devise and <br />bequeath, unto my beloved hnsbsnd, Meinhard Krohn, to be his abso- <br />lutely, provided that he survives me; but if Le does not survive <br />me, or if we both die as a result of a common accident or disaster, <br />regardless of which one of us expires first, then I give all of <br />said property instead, Lo my beloved son, Robert H. Krohn, to be <br />his absolutely. <br />III <br />I give nothing, by this Will, to my beloved daughter, <br />Anita Ryan, she having been provided for during my lifetime, by <br />both my husband and myself to the extent that I wish her to receive <br />any estate or property. <br />R <br />I hereby give to my Executor full power and <br />authority, without order or license of any Court, to sell and <br />dispose of any or all of my real and personal property, at public <br />or private sale, at such times and upon such terms and in such <br />manner as to the Executor shall seem meet, and to execute and <br />deliver good and sufficient deeds for the conveyance of my said <br />real estate and bills of sale, transfers of title, endorsements, <br />or any other instruments necessary for `he transfer of any of my <br />property. <br />Lastly, I nominate, constitute and appoint my son, <br />Robert H. Kroh, to be Executor of this my Last Will and Testament; <br />if he is unable to so serve, I appoint my daughter, Anita Ryan, as <br />Executrix hereof. <br />� <br />y4 IN WITNESS %VEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this <br />,0 day of /, <br />i (_.( <br />The foregoing instrument was on the 'day of the date <br />thereof, duly signed, sealed, published and declared by the said <br />Irene A. Krohn, as and for her Last 'Kill and Testament, in the <br />presence of us, the undersigned, who, at her request and in her <br />presence, and in the presence of each other, have eubecribed our <br />name z witnes es thereto. <br />