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G)200201t <br />;e1 plow DIF 9 ft. 155.00. <br />!le 5.00 <br />! wagon 55.00- <br />fgons &.trailers 150.00: <br />nyeri: 42.50 <br />ier 1.0.00 <br />Total - 174,626.351 <br />>ectfully submitted! <br />Execvto�i <br />e of 'Nebraska) <br />County )ss. <br />Robert N. Krohn, being first duly sworn, deposes and <br />that he has read the foregoing inventor_y, knows the <br />entsi thereof, . that he has therein :listed all of the prop <br />he deceased that baa come to his hands or knowledge, and <br />the facts,therein stated ar, true, as he verily believe <br />