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1 <br />RANDY'STARMAN <br />JULIE STARMAN <br />111 EAST PINE ST <br />DONIPHAN, NE 68832 200206 `36 <br />EXHIBIT A:i r <br />Part of the Northwest Quarter of the northeast quarter <br />re of section <br />8, township 9 north, range.9 west of the 6th p,m., P <br />described as follows, commencing at at point 301.75 east aof the <br />point of intersection of ST. Joseph and Grand Island RAilway CompANY`S <br />right of way with the ,north ne of section 8, township 9 north, ,range <br />9 west of the 6th p.m., running thence south and parallel with the <br />said right of way 253 feet, thence east at right angles and parallel <br />with the north line 61.75 feet to the west line of the property con - <br />veyed by Charles J beers and Maude Seers his wife, to W.R. Augustin, <br />date June 10, 1914, running thence north at right angles and paralles <br />with said right of way 253 feet to said north line, thence west <br />thereon 61.75 feet to the place of beggining, hall county, Nebraska. <br />