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TRUSTEE'S DEED <br />r�.sQ <br />WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, successor by <br />merger /acquisition to the Overland National Bank of Grand Island, Trustee, does hereby grant and <br />convey, without any covenant or warranty, express or implied, to DIANE K. HANEY AND <br />THOMAS W. HANEY, Wife and Husband, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship (hereinafter <br />called Grantee), the following described property: <br />Lot 6. Meadowlark Estates Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br />together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. <br />To have and to hold the above- described property unto the Grantee, its successors and <br />assigns. <br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred on said Trustec by that certain <br />deed of trust dated July 2,1999, executed by Joseph L. Parrella and Shirley J. Parreila, Husband and <br />Wife. as Beneficiaries, recorded July 12, 1999, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, <br />'ebraska, as Document No. 99- 106965 of the Mortgage Records, Hall County, Nebraska to secure <br />payment of one certain promissory note in the original sum of S 175,000.00, and interest, as therein <br />provided (the "Deed of Trust "). <br />Default has occurred under the terms of the Deed of Trust and the obligations secured <br />thereby, as more particularly set forth in the Notice of Default recorded April 1, 2002, in the office <br />of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, Instrument No. 0200203493 of Miscellaneous <br />Records (the "Notice of Default "). <br />On April 4, '002, copies of the Notice of Default, with the recording data shown thereon, <br />were mailed to the Trustor and all interested parties by certified mail, return receipt requested, <br />postage prepaid, to the addresses shown in the Deed of Trust. <br />After the lapse of not less than one (1) month, Wells'Fargo Bank Nebraska, National <br />Association, Trustee. in consequence of the Notice ofDefault and in compliance with tae terms of <br />the Reed ofT—ust, did execute a Notice of Trustee's Sale, stating that the above - described property <br />would be sold at public auction to the highest bidder fair cash on the lower level lobby of the Hall <br />County Courthouse on 1" and Locust Streets in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, on June 21, <br />2002 at 10:00 a.m. The Notice of Trustee's Sale was published in the Hall Coun Inde endcrt, a <br />newspaper having general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, with the first publication being <br />made on May 7, 2002 and thereafter on May 14, 2002; May 21, 2002; May 2S, 2002; and :une 4, <br />2002. <br />On May 14, 2002, copies of the Notice of Trustee's Sale were mailed to the T rustor and other <br />interested parties by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the proper addresses <br />shown on the Deed of Trust. <br />« o <br />f1m <br />m <br />n <br />N <br />n cn <br />C7 t <br />CD <br />=3 <br />V <br />_ 1 ° n <br />t� <br />n z <br />:� <br />'p� <br />r, <br />m <br />n n <br />a, <br />r <br />�o <br />d <br />CU <br />Qj <br />_ <br />� <br />irz <br />K z <br />4 t4 4 <br />C:> <br />..... <br />T-7 <br />CD <br />1 <br />L' <br />co <br />v <br />N <br />i7 <br />A: tr r`cordiay, Pkl Lc- ;et= te:' <br />,fir. and %1-. . The-- W 14— <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED <br />r�.sQ <br />WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, successor by <br />merger /acquisition to the Overland National Bank of Grand Island, Trustee, does hereby grant and <br />convey, without any covenant or warranty, express or implied, to DIANE K. HANEY AND <br />THOMAS W. HANEY, Wife and Husband, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship (hereinafter <br />called Grantee), the following described property: <br />Lot 6. Meadowlark Estates Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br />together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging. <br />To have and to hold the above- described property unto the Grantee, its successors and <br />assigns. <br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred on said Trustec by that certain <br />deed of trust dated July 2,1999, executed by Joseph L. Parrella and Shirley J. Parreila, Husband and <br />Wife. as Beneficiaries, recorded July 12, 1999, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, <br />'ebraska, as Document No. 99- 106965 of the Mortgage Records, Hall County, Nebraska to secure <br />payment of one certain promissory note in the original sum of S 175,000.00, and interest, as therein <br />provided (the "Deed of Trust "). <br />Default has occurred under the terms of the Deed of Trust and the obligations secured <br />thereby, as more particularly set forth in the Notice of Default recorded April 1, 2002, in the office <br />of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, Instrument No. 0200203493 of Miscellaneous <br />Records (the "Notice of Default "). <br />On April 4, '002, copies of the Notice of Default, with the recording data shown thereon, <br />were mailed to the Trustor and all interested parties by certified mail, return receipt requested, <br />postage prepaid, to the addresses shown in the Deed of Trust. <br />After the lapse of not less than one (1) month, Wells'Fargo Bank Nebraska, National <br />Association, Trustee. in consequence of the Notice ofDefault and in compliance with tae terms of <br />the Reed ofT—ust, did execute a Notice of Trustee's Sale, stating that the above - described property <br />would be sold at public auction to the highest bidder fair cash on the lower level lobby of the Hall <br />County Courthouse on 1" and Locust Streets in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, on June 21, <br />2002 at 10:00 a.m. The Notice of Trustee's Sale was published in the Hall Coun Inde endcrt, a <br />newspaper having general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, with the first publication being <br />made on May 7, 2002 and thereafter on May 14, 2002; May 21, 2002; May 2S, 2002; and :une 4, <br />2002. <br />On May 14, 2002, copies of the Notice of Trustee's Sale were mailed to the T rustor and other <br />interested parties by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the proper addresses <br />shown on the Deed of Trust. <br />