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200206643 <br />ATTACHMENT SCHEDULE A <br />A TRACT OF L IN TA8 NORTEXAST WARIER 01 1. NORTNWRST QUARTER (Na 1/1 NWV1 /U OF..... <br />SECTION TEN (10) . TONNSNIP T,ELVR (12) NORTH, RANOZ TEN (101 WEST OF T1/ 6TH e.M., RALL <br />cOVNrr. Na9RASIIA, mORS eAarxevLACyr nascaxasn 05 foll —: & � Ot NA•[1ffi9t lY�+I of <br />• A1st of 2M, t7eap m kbn p t m2 hst lire of said Kbrth l Qa Q1dt /4) <br />• disc of 3)0.71 fat; durP [tLrnrg 4. [ p3<-nl lel W tte "r h Lire of said a"a—t Q�r iliIl /4) <br />a distxs� of 223.71 £at to the �h Ito tte F ' lim of said Nittaast Q�(er (W 1/4) <br />NnTh lire of said Natie t Q�ter i0, 1 Ciaxrn nr+urg Fit m t7e 'Ld <br />1ffi , itd3 /4) a distal, of XA,71 feet m CIE Pint of <br />B oixe ur lets, of Mdrh 0.16 a¢e, RtQE or Imo, is Gamy SCEs p Wit , eti <br />