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DEED OF TRUST 200206631 <br />Loan No: 34422 (Con inued) <br />Page 3 <br />9 <br />(B) to provitlp any required insurance on the P(oPOdy, or (C) to make repairs le the Property then Lender may do so. If any action <br />pro or <br />ceeding is cammenced that would duanally affect Leader's interests in the Property than Lender <br />, on Trusters halal, may, but is not required <br />to, Woe any action that Lentler balievers to be appropriate to protect Lender's Interests. All expenses incurred or paid by Lender far such <br />purposes will then bear interest at the <br />tL <br />rate Charged under the Note tram Oe date incurred or paid by Lender to the date of repayment by Truster. <br />All such expenses will baoorne a pad of the Indebtedness and, at Lender's option, will (A) be payable on demand; (B) be added to the balance <br />Of the NOW add be appomistad <br />rp <br />among and be payable wile any installment payments to become due during either (1) the term of any <br />applicable insurance policy or (2) the remaining fern, of the Ned, ar (C) be treated as a balloon <br />[ <br />Payment which will be due and payable at No <br />Notes maturity. The Dead of Trust aISO will secure payment of these annums. The fights provided for In this paragraph dean be in addition to <br />any other rights or any ramed!os Is Lender <br />i <br />which may be entitled on account of any default. Any such action by LenJCr snail not be construed ve <br />d brq the di so as to bar Lender from any remedy that It otherwise would have had. <br />WARRANTY; DEFENSE OF TITLE. Tea following provsions relating to ownership of the Pcpeny are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br />, <br />Title. Trunce Warrants that: (a) Trustor holds good and marketable tits of record to the Prosody in fee simple. free and clear of all ('lens end <br />en uareance5 other than those set lonh in the Real Property descatlion or In title insurance <br />4 <br />any POLICY. title broad, or Ono, title opinion <br />issued is favor ol, and accepted by, Lander is connndea, with this Deed of Trust, and (b) Truslor has the full <br />f <br />rigor, Power, and authority to <br />execute and tlelivor ;his Deed of Trust to Lender. <br />Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Truslor warrants antl will forever data. the title to Ill. Properly 2gurs, <br />the lawful calms of all Uarcane. In he event <br />`t <br />any action or proceeding is cammanced that questions Truster's title or the interest of trustee Or <br />Lender undo, this Deetl of The.l. Truslor ohat defend the action at T usear's expense. Truslor <br />cry be the nominal xi In such peceedmg, <br />out Lender shall be entitled to Pahicfpate in the exceeding and to be represented! in the proceefing by counsel of Lender's awn choice, and <br />Truster deliver, <br />f <br />will Of cause to be delivered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time to time to permit such <br />participation, <br />Compliance With Laws Trustor warrants that the Property and Tmstor'S use of the Property complies with all existing applicable laws, <br />ordinances and regulations of governmental a i babes. <br />f <br />l <br />} <br />Survival of Promises All Promises, agreements, and statements Truslor has made in this Dead of Trust shall survive the execution and <br />delivery of this Deed Trust <br />of shall be continuing in nature and shall remain in lull force and efloct until such time as D rm. ors <br />Indebtedness is paid in lull <br />CONDEMNATION The auditing provie.n, relaing to condemnation prsenwhr, are a pan of this Deetl of Treat <br />Proceedings. If any p weeding in condemnation is filed, Truster shall promptly notify Lender in writing, and Toaster shall promptly Wke such <br />steps s rL be redo ery to defend the i <br />and obtain the award Truslor may be the nominal parry In such proceeding, but Lender <br />shall ed entitled to parts pate in the Proceeding and to be represented in the proceeding by counsel of Its own choice, Truslor <br />and will <br />doeor or cause to be delivered to Lander such instruments and Potentia lion as may be requested by Lander from lime to (fine lO permit <br />such participation <br />, <br />[ <br />Application of Net Proceeds If all or any part of the Property is condemned by eminanl domain proceedings or by any proceoding or <br />purchase in lieu of condemnation Lender <br />{f <br />L <br />may at its election requ re that all or any port an of the not proceeds of the award be applied t0 ale <br />Indebtedness or the repo o restoration Of the Property. The net prweres of the award shall mean the award after payment of all <br />bl <br />reasonable costs, te,ur os, antl attorneys' fees incurred by Trustee or Lender n Connection with the condemnation. <br />kr" <br />IMPOSITION OF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The following <br />fees 9 P ovisians relating to govarnnrenWl texas, <br />" <br />i <br />and charges are a pad of this Dead of Trust: <br />Current Taxes Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender Teethe shall exec fie such documents in addition to this Dead Trust <br />of antl <br />We whatever other actions equestad by Lender to Perfect and continue Lenders lien on the Real Property. Truster shall reimburse Lender <br />µor all taxes. as described below, together with all expenses bearded in <br />xxr <br />,deciding , wdwlibg or Penchi this Deetl of Trust, Including <br />without limitation all taxes leas documentary stamps, and other charges lOr recording or registering this Deetl of Trust <br />- <br />Taxes The following shall constitute taxes IO which this section apples. (11 a s0aclic lax upon this type 01 Deed of Trust or upon all or any <br />Pad OI Indebtedness secured by this of Trust; <br />r' <br />(2) a spec I c lax on Borrower which Borrowers authorized or required to deduct <br />yon b <br />UCm payments on irO Ian, <br />[� , <br />red <br />Net.; an secured Sp this typo n Deed of Trust; (3) a Wx on this type of Dead of Trust chargeable against the <br />or the hofeer o' Ne Note' and (4) a Specific lax on all or any gamier of file Indapedness <br />- <br />.do Or on payments of principal and interest <br />rwtla by Borrower. <br />ik <br />Subscribed, Taxes. It any tax to when this section applies Is enacted subsequent to the date of this Deed of Trust, this event shall have the <br />attest as An Event of Default, and Lender <br />sums may exercise any or all of its available remedies for an Event el Default as provided below <br />less TIUSIOf 6,VIe! (1) Pays Iha Idx bel0le if baCCTBS dellOgW at, or (2) contests 16 tax as care ided awe In the Taxes and Liebe <br />section and deposits with Lender cash or a sufflcfent corporate such, teen or other security satisfactory to Lender. <br />SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following <br />of !his Deed of Trust: 9 Provisions relating to Ceed of Trust as a security agreement are a pad <br />Security Agreement. This instrument shat consulate a Security Agreement to the extent any of the Property constitutes fixtures, and Lentler <br />Shall have all of No rights Of o secured <br />Party unite, the Uniform Cannot tint Cade as amended from time to fine. <br />Securty Interest Upon request by Lerida! Truslor shall execute financing statements and lake whatever other action is requested by <br />Lender to Perfect and continue Landers security interest Los Parsmal <br />L •� <br />in Property. In addition to recording INS Deed of Trust in No real <br />Property records. Lender may, at any Lima and without funhor authorization Porn Trusts, file executed counterparts, copies Or reproductions <br />Of this DOW of Trust as a financing statement Truster Sir all is A..rse 1 ender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or Patients g this <br />,.duty ,ores Upon default Truslor shall Pat remove saver or deuch file Persoml <br />! <br />Property from the Property. Upon default. Truslor <br />shall arse ble any Personal Property not affixed to the Property In a manner and at a place reasonably convenient to Truster <br />and Lender <br />and make it available to Lender within three (3) days after rwPi o of written de rat d from Lander to the extant permitted by applicable law. <br />Addresses. The mailing addresses of Truster (debtor) and Lander (seared pally) h.,m which iof erei concerning the security interest <br />granted by this DOW of Trust may be oblaxtad (each ae required by the Uniform Cost In it Cpfo) <br />Deed of To.,,. are as staled on the first page of this <br />D Bd FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTORNEYJN -IN T. The following provisions hiring to further Ss"u rtes and attorney are O part of iM1is <br />Further Assurances. Al any time and from time to time, upon mquesl of Lender, Trutitor will mado, exeocV and deliver. Or will Cause 10 be <br />n ode. executed or dialuled to Lentler b <br />, or 10 Lender's desepton, And when rdquasted by Lender, so, .1 fo be filed recorded, reflled, <br />droccoAd, as the Coeo may tea, at such limes and In Such efforts and Places as Lander may doubt approprats, <br />any and all such mar gage,, <br />Phase of trust, security deeds, security agreements, fuchudfng statements BBn reason nuloments, instruments Of further assurance, <br />Brlilic,loa and Other documents as may in the Sets Opinion of LBni be <br />b <br />t <br />necessary or desirable, ,p order to effectuate, complete, pellact <br />crtnlume, or preserve (1) Borrower s and Trust-' s Lain, re III has Note, the Deal of Trust, and the Hotel. Document., and <br />(2) <br />IOe and and security 'ntv'rests Cleated by and Deed Of Trust PS fast and prior Ilene art the Properly, whether how OWOed Or he...fie, <br />acquired by Teaser. UPIOSS Prohibited by law, or Lender agrees to the in <br />F <br />convary writing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender for all costs and <br />oxponses incurred In connoclian with the matters referred to In this paragraph. <br />AlksrneybmFad. It Truslor fails to do any of the things efeded preceding lO In the prec Paragraph, Lender any he so for antl m the name of <br />Truslor antl at Tmslorn expense. For such purposes, Trusto, hereby irrevocably aGwinls Londor as Trusters <br />p <br />f <br />attonmy,imfact for the <br />pueoaa of Lurking, Preening, rejoining, rlheg, adds nlg, and all all Oaher thing$ as hi be necessary or desirable. in Lender's <br />sole <br />OPimon, to accomplish me matters inferred to in the preceding Paragraph. <br />FULL PERFORMANCE. If Borrower Pays all the Indebtedness, including wr <br />wihout limit. all ,stare advances, when duo, and oherwise forms <br />au mO Obligations reported old Truslor under this <br />g w pa Deetl Trust <br />t <br />i <br />of , a <br />Lentler shell execute end tleliver to Tluspa a request for lull rxonveyanc. and <br />Shall execute and deliver to Truster suiudo s'alpmenla of terminaliOn Ol env fnan:inn<mmr..e..r.... tin....... --------- ._.__._ .. .. <br />