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EXHIBIT A TO <br />MODIFICATION OF DEED OF TRUST <br />IN THE NAMES OF RAYMOND E AND DIANNE R STABLA <br />DATED JUNE 17, 2002 <br />200206607 <br />A tract of land copsistin ,af v <br />g.. f# a gcres morp;or <br />less lying South of Nino r. 190404 oq; #h Seat #np <br />Twenty -six (26), Township Glevep.( t)t Northi Rapgs <br />106 West of the 6th' 0.A1., iii 11441poupty, Neoraakq� more <br />Particularly deco ihell an opinmegp$p6, aI: 'q ppint oil the <br />West .line of the Northwest f�garter ",: pive NNndrpd NifletY- <br />tltree.(593) feet SoUkh of the Northwest aprner p fhP. <br />Northwest Quarters thcnee.proceedtpp alanl: sa)d inn #n <br />a Southoriy direction pout r <br />.pial at; Two (402) Fp6CI. <br />thence deflooking' And toottip8 all, a: lips Itastar ±Y atjii <br />parallel to the (JgYth lirlo of 4;jft! NoxkhWask fluarter, . <br />a distance of Siif Ilundretl IfWelpe:apti Three Teptlta <br />(612.3) ; Feet; the �tce 'lad 0001st; . North _d �1i:i Lance Qf <br />Threw 1lundreil lii;(1ty- tllrets,A1►d #tKY-o1}a tenths <br />(383.51) beet; t�lonce de�leek #nh in 4 <br />Westerly directipp of Six 114ndrua'lhixtn4n i111d: Two . <br />Tenths (613,2) l uet ! 0 111Q p1aR�: gf bep #iin #Rt;� can <br />tainins five acres more or lFaa' <br />AND <br />A tract at land comprising.; pact 'of- t11s.: lNapthwast ".Q4arlot <br />(NW;) of Section Tvienly =Six (46)i To 11), hiloven Ill): `Pi P111'. <br />Range Ton (10) west of the Glh }'. M: In Hall• Co44lyi Nuhraeka, <br />unoro particularly doscrlba,l iiu <br />Aaglnnit,g at it polnl on 111W Wuet 4190 4f.' stud Sort Ion Twenty- <br />Six 061, said point pa.lnl; Th hp:'N+l+��4144 TVV061Y 1truo' <br />1323.0► feet - eoitth af.IGe naji,weai 0,6 too of, s414,00c0off <br />Twahty -Six 126); lllailce pastor flat 1p1 IQ-me llorlli:llna <br />of said Sort on' Twuply Six ,zG +. a �1!N4E{11ca of QRu fhHN <br />�i�nd..Tllrua f(tinclrnd Sit:1Y ''lk�! >tlht! �1nn Algndrlt {I�h9 . <br />(1, 365; (191 fuels NtuhFn tlufl4clijilF r1� 11 It9° 440 t 2 and tort -, <br />Wing soul ar! sl illaiuppa pf #ls tllilltlr4i! TwRnty-N1ne'anI <br />Five Tenths 0.011Pii i106l i 4011 q7' 4g'i <br />and 'Hoping W004011y ?t_sllsf411Cq. of ipvp - HNndrocolvy* <br />Flva 1765.0) (et'1i lh +lhcu rUtlnhlH n41.111orIY: 0; it la 11. It <br />west line oi' said Soetipp 'l Wna1y'sj><:, jzblt N it a.i4nco. of <br />Three ifunJrud. hiHhly -Thtuu 16611 f IftYrOnu flynilfedlh,r <br />I3H3,51) fuutl lhenee r4gnpt . wtialuhly rRr11llol•1Q•sultl Barth <br />t no of Suclion '1'v.utt))r =$1x 1461) , i1 11nti14i of Slt:.1111s.-1rui1 <br />Twe;va and Three 'cilia+ (f, 13.3):.(up1,• 1R.Iha wits*} 111101 of . <br />suW Suction Twenty -Six (20); ►hence'atlellterly !Ilona safQ <br />Weei'lino of '11 '1100" of TWO. <br />Hulldrud Sui-enty• 1270, 0) fool. tq 11in, plrnpn of: l,nginn}na <br />Oil coulainillµ 1 1, 9L9 ilt i, ,i,' it, aru nr 141:4A. . <br />Dated this 17th day of June, 2002. <br />