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200206606 200206606 <br />EXHIBIT "A "To Disclaimer of Homestead <br />in the names of Max and Lizabeth Mader. <br />PARCEL A: <br />The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1 /2NE1/4) of Section 29, Township 12 North, Range 9 West <br />of the 6h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting a certain tract described as follows: Beginning at the <br />Southeast comer of said quarter section; thence Northerly a distance of 1299.92 feet along the East line of <br />said quarter section to a point on the property line of the Grantor; thence Westerly deflecting 90 degrees <br />00'00" left, a distance of 170.02 feet along said line; thence Southerly deflecting 90 degrees 04'7" left a <br />distance of 1299.94 feet to a point on the South line of said quarter section; thence Easterly deflecting 89 <br />degrees 55'27" left, a distance of 168.15 feet along the South line of said quarter section to the point of <br />beginning, containing 5.05 acres, more or less, which includes 1.19 acres, more or less previously <br />occupied as public highway, and excepting a certain tract more particularly described in Deed recorded in <br />Book 76, Page 506, records of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />PARCEL B: <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 8, Township 12 North, Range 9 West of the 6" P.M., Hall <br />County, Nebraska, except 7.6 acres in the Southwest (SW) comer of said Southwest Quarter (SWl /4) <br />more particularly described in Deed recorded in Book 96, Page 190, of the Deed Records in the Office of <br />the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska; and excepting the East 100 feet of the Southwest Quarter <br />(SW 1/4) of Section 8, Township 12 North, Range 9 West of the 6s' P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />PARCEL C: <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW I/4) of Section 25, Township 12 North, Range 10 West of the 6`" P.M., in <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />PARCEL D: <br />The Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 25, Township 12 North, Range 10 West of the 6" P.M., in <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />2�j C'�t- b 2 -�- <br />Max A. Mader <br />Lizbet IV. N �, <br />Lizbeth Mader <br />
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