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This STATEMENT is presented to a filing officer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Cade: I 3.Moturity date (if any) <br />1. Debtnr(s) (Last 4ome First) and address( s) 2. Secured Party(ies) and address(es) For Filing Officer (Date, Time and Filing <br />Wetherilt, David J (508 -64 -7934 UNITED NEBRASKA BANK office) <br />Wetherilt, Susan L (505 -72 -3864 ) P. O. BOX 5018 <br />3216 Woodbridge Blvd GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68802 <br />Grand Island NE 68801 2 0 0 2 0 6 5 9 6 <br />Social Security No. 508 -64 -7934 Federal I.D. No. 47- 0771041 <br />4. This statem <or refers to original Financing Statement bearing File No. 97- 105801 <br />Filed with Nall County Date Filed July 21, 1997 19 <br />5. �tp1C ittinuofion. The original financing statement between the foregoing Debtor and Secured Party, bearing file number shown above, is still effective. <br />b. UTermination. Secured party no longer claims o security interest under the financing statement bearing file number shown above. <br />7. ❑ Assignment. The secured party's right under the financing statement bearing fi le number shown above to the property described in Item 10 hove <br />been assigned to the assignee whose name and address appears in Item 10. <br />8.❑ Amendment. Financing Statement bearing file number shown above is amended as set forth In Item 10. <br />9.❑ Release. Secured Party releases the collateral described iii Item 10 from the financing statement bearing file number shown above. <br />�/ t3lob4pr�;�aQ����f��i <br />No. of addition <br />by: b '' r r i i�c�2, <br />Signatme(s) of Debtor(s)(necessory only if Item 8 Is applicable). Si gn o fare (s of Sec - S Urdd f orty(les <br />(7) FILING OFFICER COPY - ALPHABETICAL <br />T- <br />