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200206497 <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the United States of Americahas caused this satisfaction to be <br />signed the 11th day of June 2002 <br />UNITED STA.7 OF AMERICA <br />WITNESSES: By <br />o na We 1 Rrz <br />Title , Farm Loan Officer <br />Agency Farm Service Agency <br />United States Department of Agriculture <br />STATE OF Nebraska <br />COUNTY OF <br />Hall ss: <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />On this 11th day of - -- June 2002 , before me, the subscriber, a <br />Notary Public in and for the above county and State, <br />appeared Donna R Seitz , known to me to be Farm Loan Officer <br />United States Department of Agriculture, and the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and he /she <br />acknowledged to me that he /she executed the same as the free act and deed of the United States of America, for the <br />uses the purposes mentioned in it. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal at Hall County FSA — 2550 N Diers Ave. — <br />Grand Island, NE 68803 the day and year listed above. <br />[SEAL] GENERAL NOTARY State :0fNe W46 SHELLEY NOTA K. SCMy Comm. Ezp. O 2002 <br />My commission expires <br />r <br />See attached legal description. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />