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LEC'aAL DESCRIPTION <br />A bract of land comprising o pod of the West Ho /f of Me Southeast Ouuder <br />(WI /ZSE7 /4J, of Section Twenty One (11),, Township F/emn (I1) North, Range Nlne <br />(9) Awl of the 6th P.M., In the MY of Grand Island, Na11 County, Nebraska , more <br />padfculady desedhad as follows, <br />Beginning at the southwest comer of said Wesf Half of Me Southeast Ouader <br />(W112SE114),� thence running 44Hherly along /he west One of said West Hoff of the <br />Southeast Ouador (Wb/15£1/4) and the easy Are a/ Nedlago Acres Subdivision an on <br />Assumed Beanng at N001OJ'27'W, a distance of Two Hundred Seventeen and Seventy <br />Hundredhs (217M0) lest, /o Me ACTUAL point of 6e9tnnfng,, thence canllnuing <br />N00'01'17'W, along !hs Jost descnhed course, a alslonce of One Thousand One <br />Hundred Two and Filly Two 11,undred7As ( 110251) feet, thence running SR9 °15'Jg'E, <br />a distance of One Hundred Ninety and Fany Are Hundredths (790.49) feeh, Mso- <br />mnning S00 °00'00'W, a distance of Foarleen and Forty Flvo hundedhs (14 45) lost.' <br />thence running S89'25'J9'4 o distance of One hundred Twenty Seven and Fifty <br />Hundredhs (117.50) feel,- Moms running SOO °00'00'W, o dis/ance of Sixty Ntne and <br />Sfx/y Rw hundredths (69.65) feel,' thence running SR-9 °25')9'£, o distance of One <br />Hundred Efghly Seven and Filly Hundredths (18750) feel,' thence -Bring <br />SOO °00'00'W, o dfslonce of Fifty One one £ighly Eight Hundredths (51.99) lee/; <br />thence maning S89 °15'J9'F, a dis/once of One Hundred Twenty Seven and tiflf <br />Nmdredhs (127 go) feel, /o o palm on the westedy ngM, of way /foe of Adams <br />Street, !hence -lining S00 °00'00'W, along the was/*// <br />y dghJ of way the of Adams <br />S&ml a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Twenty Seven and £fghly Hundredths <br />(111780) feel,' thence mantng S45 °29'06'W, along Me wesledy right of way Aire o/ <br />Adams Sheol, o dfslonce at Thirty Mme and Thin), fight Hundredths (JJ.JR) lee!, AO <br />o pofnf on Me northedy right of way /fno of Syolley Park Road, Menco running <br />NR9 °24'55 °W along Me nodhedy light of way /fne o/ Stoney Pork Road, o dfslonce <br />of Fire Hundred Seven and Saty Four Hundredths (507.64) Jest•, Menco -nntng <br />h'00 °I,i'Jt 1W, a dfsyance of One hundred f /ghly Faur old Twenty five Hundredhs <br />(194.15) /eeF thence -lining N89 °07'JI'W, a distance of Nfnely Nfne and Seventy <br />Hundredhs (99.70) feel to the ACTUAL point of beginning and conlalnfng 17.455 <br />acres more ar less. <br />SURVEYORS CERTIFWE <br />/ hereby teddy Mot on W127, 1001, / camp /eled on accurate survey of <br />N£CENTS PARK SUROAYLS/ON; in Me My of Grand Island Nebmska, as shown on Me <br />accmmponying plat Menol, Mc! Abe Loh,, blocks slree/s, avenues; o /%ys, parks, <br />commora and other grounds as contained in said subdfvisfon as shown on the <br />accompanying p /at thereof are well and accumAeiy stoked all and M046d¢ Mot Imn <br />mantsa were p/oced of all tot comers' that !be dimensions of each lot are OR <br />shown an the plat Thal each lo{ bears its own number, and Mal said survey was <br />made wAh refamnce to known and recorded monuments. <br />a�A8,, <br />nl-i, Rag. Lan S� } ror Na. 578 <br />APPROVALS <br />Submitted to and approved by the Reglonal Planning Commfss /on of Ha/I Caun/y, <br />Gmad Island, Wood River and the Villages of A /do, Cairo and Donfphan, Nebmska, <br />z azo/ <br />won <br />Dois <br />Approved and accepted by the CVy of Grand Island, Nebraska, this 18 _ <br />day of_j_une 1001. <br />Mayor city Clerk <br />200206495 <br />DEDICATION <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; Not we, THOMAS W. 0'NE /LL and JILL A. <br />0'N£ /LL, husband and wife, THTMOTHy R 0'N£ /LL and M /K/ S O'NELL4 husband and <br />wile and JOSEPH P. O'N£ILL, a single person, being the owners of the land <br />descnbed hereon, have caused some to be surveyed, subdivided, plalled and <br />des /gaoled as 'REGENTS PARK SUBO /Y{S {ON' /n the City of Gmnd island Nebraska, <br />as shown on the accompanying plat )hereof, and do hereby dsdtcole Me sireels as <br />shown lherson to Jhe public for Moir use forever, and Me easements as shown <br />{hereon for the locolfon, cansirvallon and mafnfenonce of public mrvfce uti/f/les, <br />{ogether with Me nghl of {ogress and egress lherelo, and hereby pmhtbillag he <br />p/onling of bees bashes and shrubs, or placing other abslmclfans upon, over <br />along or undemeath the surface at such easements, and Mal the foregoing <br />suDdivisian os more pndiculady descn2W in the desopoll n hereon as appears on <br />this plot fs mode w11h the )roe consent and in accordance wth Jhe desims of the <br />undersigned owners and proprietors. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hove affixed our slgnovares herein, of Grand is /and, <br />Nebmska, !h/s g {S our of May , 2001. <br />X01 <br />Thomos W. O'Neil/ Timafhy R. O'Neil/ Joteph P. O'Neil/ <br />I <br />✓1// A. O'Neill MW S I O'Neil/ <br />AOV OYYLEMEWNT <br />State Of Nebraska <br />County Of Ha// � C+� <br />On the �doy ofa -7001, deface me r )�� Ja n r or <br />Nofary Public wifhtn and for said County peaonolty oppea -d TN0945 W. OWFILL <br />and ✓ /LL A. O'NEILL, husband and W1fe, T /MOTNy R O'N£/LL and M/K/ S O'NE1LL, <br />husband old wife and JOSE-P// P. 0'NE /LL o sfngbe person, fo me person/ /y known <br />fa be the fdeallca/ persons whose signolums are affixed hereto, and that each did <br />acknowledge the exeeuMan hereof to be their vo/unfory act and deed. <br />/N WITNESS WH£RfOf, / have hereunlo subscribed my name and affixed my <br />cfJfcial seat of Grand Island, Nebraska, on the dole last abore wnNen . <br />my commission expires 6 J zm4 - <br />°A <br />�� a''P� svwsuy SV. <br />public <br />t, wmurr c <br />ry Pubtc <br />REGENTS PARK SUED /VISION <br />IN 'rHE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />Rockrell And Assoc. - Engineering t Surveying - Orono' Island, Nebraska Shm'No 2Of2 <br />