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<br />20020642G
<br />THAT, WHEREAS, the BENEFICIARY has requested, in writing, that this Deed of Reconveyance
<br />be executed and delivered as confirmed by its endorsement below, in order to comply with the terms of
<br />the Nebraska Deed of Trust entered into Gary D. Smith, a single person, as TRUSTOR, Sherman County
<br />Bank, as TRUSTEE, and Sherman County Bank, as BENEFICIARY, dated February 14, 1994, and
<br />recorded on February 18, 1994, as Document No. 94- 101437, of Records in the Office of Register of
<br />Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payment and in accordance with the request of the
<br />BENEFICIARY named therein, the undersigned as TRUSTEE does, by these presents, grant, remise,
<br />release and reconvey to the TRUSTOR the following described real estate, to -wit.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, an
<br />addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows Beginning at the
<br />southwest corner of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision; thence running northerly
<br />along the west line of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, on an assumed bearing
<br />of N 00'44'25" W, a distance of 35.45 feet, to the southerly most northwest corner of said Lot 4, Grand
<br />Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, said point also being on the southerly right of way line of the
<br />Union Pacific Railroad; thence running N 58'06'57" E along the northwesterly line of said Lot 4, Grand
<br />Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, and the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad, a
<br />distance of 1,577.40 feet, to the northerly most northwest corner of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial
<br />Park West Subdivision; thence running S 01'14'03" E, a distance of 868.91 feet, to a point on the
<br />southerly line of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision; thence running N 89'59'46" W,
<br />along the southerly line of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, a distance of
<br />1,357.63 feet, to the point of beginning and containing 14.087 acres more or less
<br />DATED this 14" day of June, 2002.
<br />(seal)
<br />A Nebraska Corporation, TRUSTEE
<br />By \L_. Z� ',f C.___.
<br />G. E. o an, President
<br />) SS
<br />The above and foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this 14" day of
<br />June, 2002, by G.E. Wortmae, President of the Sherman County Bank, TRUSTEE, to me known to be the
<br />President and identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged
<br />the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of
<br />such corporation.
<br />C,ENFAAL N01P8Y- Sta@OfNehreska
<br />:1Y C4mm. Bm. )m 14, 2004 9
<br />Notary Public
<br />0
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<br />ry aro
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<br />_T
<br />THAT, WHEREAS, the BENEFICIARY has requested, in writing, that this Deed of Reconveyance
<br />be executed and delivered as confirmed by its endorsement below, in order to comply with the terms of
<br />the Nebraska Deed of Trust entered into Gary D. Smith, a single person, as TRUSTOR, Sherman County
<br />Bank, as TRUSTEE, and Sherman County Bank, as BENEFICIARY, dated February 14, 1994, and
<br />recorded on February 18, 1994, as Document No. 94- 101437, of Records in the Office of Register of
<br />Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payment and in accordance with the request of the
<br />BENEFICIARY named therein, the undersigned as TRUSTEE does, by these presents, grant, remise,
<br />release and reconvey to the TRUSTOR the following described real estate, to -wit.
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, an
<br />addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows Beginning at the
<br />southwest corner of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision; thence running northerly
<br />along the west line of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, on an assumed bearing
<br />of N 00'44'25" W, a distance of 35.45 feet, to the southerly most northwest corner of said Lot 4, Grand
<br />Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, said point also being on the southerly right of way line of the
<br />Union Pacific Railroad; thence running N 58'06'57" E along the northwesterly line of said Lot 4, Grand
<br />Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, and the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad, a
<br />distance of 1,577.40 feet, to the northerly most northwest corner of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial
<br />Park West Subdivision; thence running S 01'14'03" E, a distance of 868.91 feet, to a point on the
<br />southerly line of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision; thence running N 89'59'46" W,
<br />along the southerly line of said Lot 4, Grand Island Industrial Park West Subdivision, a distance of
<br />1,357.63 feet, to the point of beginning and containing 14.087 acres more or less
<br />DATED this 14" day of June, 2002.
<br />(seal)
<br />A Nebraska Corporation, TRUSTEE
<br />By \L_. Z� ',f C.___.
<br />G. E. o an, President
<br />) SS
<br />The above and foregoing Deed of Reconveyance was acknowledged before me this 14" day of
<br />June, 2002, by G.E. Wortmae, President of the Sherman County Bank, TRUSTEE, to me known to be the
<br />President and identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged
<br />the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of
<br />such corporation.
<br />C,ENFAAL N01P8Y- Sta@OfNehreska
<br />:1Y C4mm. Bm. )m 14, 2004 9
<br />Notary Public
<br />0
<br />