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rORM S%3 (Sd9) <br />RETURN TO <br />R: FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF AMERICA GRAND ND ISLAND, PREPARER: ELIZABETH KUTA GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 - <br />CTL 2: 300 CTL 3 220 Customer No: 10059 Noo No 201 r <br />Farm Credit services of America <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />Trustee: AgAmerica, FCB, successor -in- interest to the Farm Credit Bank of Omaha <br />Beneficiary: FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF AMERICA, FLCA, <br />Trustor: DONALD E. STOLTENBERG AND R. MARIE STOLTENBERG, HUSBAND AND WIFE, WAYNE D. <br />STOLTENBERG AND MARY V. STOLTENBERG, HUSBAND AND WIFE, DENNIS D. STOLTENBERG AND KRISTIE <br />K. STOLTENBERG, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND MEL RUB -BILL HOLSTEINS, INC., A NEBRASKA CORPORATION. <br />Record Information: <br />County: <br />HALL <br />Date Recorded: <br />April 10, 1992 <br />Recorded: <br />as Instrument No. 92- 103185 <br />n <br />:� <br />y <br />- <br />. <br />n <br />> <br />re <br />n <br />a <br />L <br />n <br />a <br />co <br />K G' <br />1 <br />200206390 <br />Q, <br />w <br />o <br />O <br />N <br />O <br />N <br />rORM S%3 (Sd9) <br />RETURN TO <br />R: FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF AMERICA GRAND ND ISLAND, PREPARER: ELIZABETH KUTA GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 - <br />CTL 2: 300 CTL 3 220 Customer No: 10059 Noo No 201 r <br />Farm Credit services of America <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />Trustee: AgAmerica, FCB, successor -in- interest to the Farm Credit Bank of Omaha <br />Beneficiary: FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF AMERICA, FLCA, <br />Trustor: DONALD E. STOLTENBERG AND R. MARIE STOLTENBERG, HUSBAND AND WIFE, WAYNE D. <br />STOLTENBERG AND MARY V. STOLTENBERG, HUSBAND AND WIFE, DENNIS D. STOLTENBERG AND KRISTIE <br />K. STOLTENBERG, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND MEL RUB -BILL HOLSTEINS, INC., A NEBRASKA CORPORATION. <br />Record Information: <br />County: <br />HALL <br />Date Recorded: <br />April 10, 1992 <br />Recorded: <br />as Instrument No. 92- 103185 <br />At Beneficiary's request, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustee <br />hereby grants, releases, and reconveys to Truster or the person(s) entitled thereto, all right, title, and Interest of the <br />Trustee acquired by virtue of the above - mentioned Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents in and to the following property: <br />SW Y. of Section 12, Township 12N, Range 10W of the 6'B PM <br />Excepting therefrom a tract of land described in Document No 76- 005969, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of the SW '/. of said Sec 12, thence N along the East line of said SW '/., a <br />dEstz..ce of 346.00', thence West along a the 34610' North of e. ^.d parallel to the South !ire of said SW 14, <br />distance of 209.00', thence South along a line 209.00' West of and parallel to the East line of said SW %, a <br />distance of 346.00' to the South line of said SW %, thence East along the South line of said SW ., a distance of <br />209.00' to the point of beginning, containing 1.660 acres more or less, 0.158 acres of which is contained in public <br />road right -of -way <br />AND <br />Excepting therefrom a tract platted as Meierstead Second Subdivision, recorded as Document NO 88- 106058 <br />NW Y. of Section 35, Township 12N, Range 10W of the 61h PM <br />IN W ITNE§A.WId�,�EOF, Trustee has caused this instrument to be executed on the date set out in the acknowledgment. <br />"eryrcas Ol,q ••. <br />(SE9C�. GOFPORq fF a�'•., AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee <br />r c;:•�s; V <br />c By Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA <br />Its Agent an Attorney -in -Fact, <br />RTELS <br />e,o <br />C.L4RTE�,_ <br />•., , �;' • Ronald L. . Reiser <br />Assistant Corporate Secretary <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />)ss <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />On this 3rd day of May, 2002, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Ronald L. Reiser, being by me personally <br />known, and duly sworn, did say that he is Assistant Corporate Secretary of the corporation executing the foregoing <br />instrument; that the seal affixed to the instrument is the seal of the corporation; that the instrument was signed and sealed <br />on behalf of the corporation by authority of its board of directors; as agent and attorney -in -fact for, and on behalf of, <br />AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee, as principal; and he acknowledged the execution of the instrument to be the voluntary act and <br />deed of the principal, the agent and attorney -in -fact, and him. <br />(SEAL) <br />1111111111ILlonly4tl1AltMnb •c ' - <br />6QA111IM M �zlizsbeth A, Kuto <br />Yrcm WId11.10M Notary Publlcm and for Said County,md State <br />My commission expires arc <br />