<br />already collected from Bortower which exceeded permitted limits will be retuvded to Borrower Leader maychowe[omake
<br />this refund by reducing the pnncip3' owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces
<br />principal, the reduction will be heated as a pamal prepayment wntihour any prepayment charge (whether or not a prepayment
<br />charge hs provided for under the Note). Borrower's acceptance ofanysuch refund made by direct payment to Borrower will
<br />constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such overcharge.
<br />I5. Notices. All notices given by Borrower or Lender in connection with this Security Instrument must be in
<br />writivg. Anynotice to Borrower in covneetionwith this Se cuntylnetmment shall be deemedtohavebeengiven to Borrower
<br />when mailed by first class mail o[ when actually the
<br />to Bomowei s notice address if sent by other means. Notice to any
<br />one Bortower shall constitute notice to all Borzowere unless Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice
<br />address shall be the Property Address and ss Borrower has designated a substitute nonce address by notice to Lender.
<br />Ravnwer shall nrmm�tly nnnfv Lender of Borrower's chance of address. If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting
<br />given by delivering iT or by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated
<br />another address by notice to Borrower. Anynotice in connection with this Security Instrument shall not be deemed to have
<br />been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If any notice required by this Security Instrument is also required
<br />under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security
<br />Instrument.
<br />16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security instrument shall be governed by
<br />federal law and the law of thejurisdiefion in which the Property is located. All rights and obligations contained in this
<br />Security Instrument are subject to anyrequiremeuts and limitations of Applicable Law. Applicable Law might explicitly or
<br />implicitly allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, but such silence shall not be constmed as a prohibition
<br />against agreement bycormact. In the event that anyprovhshon or clause ofthis Security Instrument or the Notecomtlicts with
<br />Applicable Law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions oft his Security Instrument or the Note which can be given
<br />------ .__.__._.___.._,o _.
<br />As used in thm Sinme g fnser; (b) (ds in the singular mean include meth andinclude ice veron corresponding (c) nearer
<br />the oftbe
<br />words or words oftue feminine gender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and ivctude theplural avdvioeverea; and (c) the
<br />word "may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to take any action.
<br />18. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy ofthe Note and
<br />se ofthis Security Instrument.
<br />18. Transfer ofthe Properly or a est i Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used to this Section 18, "Interest interests
<br />r the
<br />Property' means any legal d, beneficial interest in the Properly, including, but not limited to, those beneficial interests
<br />transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, installment sales contract or escrow agreement, the intent of which is the
<br />transfer offitle by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser.
<br />If all or my pan ofthe Property or my Interest in the Property is sold or transferred (or ifBorrower is not a natural
<br />person and a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may
<br />require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be
<br />exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable law.
<br />If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower vofice of acceleration. Thenonceshallpmvide aperiod
<br />afoot less than 30 days from the date the nonce is given in accordance with Section 15 within which Borrower muslpay all
<br />sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration ofthis period, Lender
<br />may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall
<br />have the right to have enforcement of this Security Instrument disconfinued at any time prior to the earliest of (a) five days
<br />before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Instrument; (b) such other period as
<br />Applicable Law might specify for the termination of Borrower's right to reinstate; or (c) entry of all udgment enforcing this
<br />Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Leader all sums which then would be due under this
<br />Steatite Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or
<br />agreements; (e) pays all expenses incurred
<br />in enforcing this Security Instrument, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, property inspection and
<br />valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpose ofprotecting Lenders interest in the Property and rights under this
<br />Security Instrument; and (d) lakes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that Lender's interest in the
<br />Property and rights under this Security Instrument, and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument, shall continue unchanged. Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one
<br />or more ofthe following forms, as selected by Lender. (a) cash; (b) money order, (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's
<br />check or cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal
<br />agency, instrumentality or entity or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security
<br />Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as ifno acceleration had occurred. However, this right
<br />to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18.
<br />20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer, Notice of Grievance. The Note or a partial interest in the Note
<br />(together with this Security Instrument) can be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale mightresult
<br />in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer') that collects Periodic Payments due under the Note andlhts Security
<br />Instrument and performs other mortgage loan servicing obligations under the Note, this Security Instrument, and Applicable
<br />Law. There also might be one or more changes ofthe Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. Ifthere is a change of
<br />the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be given wri den nonce of the change which will state the name and address of the new
<br />a nonce of transfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the
<br />Purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will remain with the Loan Servicer or be
<br />mastered to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Note
<br />purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an individual
<br />litigant in the member ofa class) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument mthat alleges
<br />that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty owed by reason of, this Security Instrument, unfit such
<br />Borrower- or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given in compliance with the requirements of Section 15)
<br />of such alleged breach and afforded the other Party hereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice to take
<br />corrective action. IfApplieable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken, that time
<br />period will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. Thenotice ofacceleration and opporlunityto cure
<br />given to Borrower pursuant to Section 22 and the notice ofacceleralion given to Borrower pursuant to Section 18 shall be
<br />deemed to satisfy the nonce and opportunity to take corrective acted Provisions ofthis Section 20.
<br />21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous Substances' are those substances
<br />defined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastes by Environmental I
<br />kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic pesticides and
<br />,operty is located that relate to health, safety or environmental protection; (c) "Environmental
<br />mse action, remedial action, or removal action, es defined in Environmental Law; and (d) an
<br />means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmental Cleanup.
<br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannie M.017,eddie Mar UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form3028 1N1 (pngebof8pa8ee)
<br />911a CV (1102) GU(42
<br />r:mmlllM)i'14n.1
<br />