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:��� >,�x , �Illlllllftll�l�lllllllll �� � <br />Substitution of Trustee „ <br />Washington Mutual Wisconsin 8 '.8018729205 "GONZALEZ" Lender lD:G13/8018729205 Hall,Nebraske <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned is the present Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust described as follows: <br />Original Trustor: MARIA D GONZALEZ AND LUIS F GONZALEZ WIFE AND HUSBAND <br />Original Beneficiary: MOUNTAIN WEST FINANCIAL INCA CALIFORNIA CORPORATION <br />Original Trustee: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />Dated: 05117/2000 Recorded: 05/22/2000 in Book/Reel /Liber N/A Page /Folio N/A as Instrument No.' <br />0200004185, In the County of Hall, State of Nebraska <br />Legal: LOT FIVE (5), BLOCK ONE (1), AXT AND HAGGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br />Property Address: 233 SOUTH KIMBALL, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br />AND WHEREAS, the undersigned, who is the present Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, desires to substitute a <br />successor Trustee under said Deed of Trust in the place and stead of present Trustee thereunder; <br />Now therefore, the undersigned hereby substitutes FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO whose address is <br />15661 REDHILL, SUITE 200, , TUSTIN, CA 92780 as Successor Trustee under said Deed of Trust , to have all the <br />powers of said original Trustee, effective immediately. <br />WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, F.A. SUCCESSOR TO WASHINGTON MUTUAL HOME LOANS, INC. <br />SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST BY MERGER TO FLEET MORTGAGE CORP. <br />On May 21st. 2002 <br />MULHEslant Secretary NO SEAL- WASHINGTON MtiTL1AL RANK, RA <br />is a Ccdccal associanum, a not -panne seal <br />is not required by any law or resolution. <br />STATE OF Wisconsin <br />COUNTY OF Milwaukee <br />On May 21st, 2002, before me, PAM KARLE, a Notary Public in and for Milwaukee County, in the Stale of <br />Wisconsin, personally appeared JULIE MULHERN, Assistant Secretary, personally known to me (or proved to me on <br />the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons) whose names) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and <br />acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity, and that by <br />his /her /their signature on the Instrument the pendants), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, <br />executed the instrument. <br />WITNESS Vand and < icial a/�l, <br />/l -LdL, �L -C.1� PAM KARLE <br />PAM KARLE NOTAfiY PUeUC STATE OF WISCONSIN <br />Notary Expires' 06/13/2004 <br />(This area for notarial seal) <br />Prepared By: Yell N. Turgul WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, F.A. 11200 WEST PARKLAND AVE, MILWAUKEE, WI 53224 <br />414- 359 -930 <br />When Recorded Please return to LEZ P O BOX 543, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br />Regional Trustee Services <br />720 7th Avenue Sohn 100 <br />Seattlq WA 99 104 <br />Attn: Reconveyance Division <br />'YNTYJURGUCaSIZVYOG2 1101 11 1M' wHmuolwnMUOOOOOOOaaa0000000109 ]8'N 1 nN11-.1112.r 6 NE.TIiE lsusl_SUa- <br />T <br />m <br />N <br />R <br />n <br />z <br />o <br />m <br />� <br />200206348 <br />:��� >,�x , �Illlllllftll�l�lllllllll �� � <br />Substitution of Trustee „ <br />Washington Mutual Wisconsin 8 '.8018729205 "GONZALEZ" Lender lD:G13/8018729205 Hall,Nebraske <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned is the present Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust described as follows: <br />Original Trustor: MARIA D GONZALEZ AND LUIS F GONZALEZ WIFE AND HUSBAND <br />Original Beneficiary: MOUNTAIN WEST FINANCIAL INCA CALIFORNIA CORPORATION <br />Original Trustee: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />Dated: 05117/2000 Recorded: 05/22/2000 in Book/Reel /Liber N/A Page /Folio N/A as Instrument No.' <br />0200004185, In the County of Hall, State of Nebraska <br />Legal: LOT FIVE (5), BLOCK ONE (1), AXT AND HAGGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br />Property Address: 233 SOUTH KIMBALL, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801 <br />AND WHEREAS, the undersigned, who is the present Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, desires to substitute a <br />successor Trustee under said Deed of Trust in the place and stead of present Trustee thereunder; <br />Now therefore, the undersigned hereby substitutes FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO whose address is <br />15661 REDHILL, SUITE 200, , TUSTIN, CA 92780 as Successor Trustee under said Deed of Trust , to have all the <br />powers of said original Trustee, effective immediately. <br />WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, F.A. SUCCESSOR TO WASHINGTON MUTUAL HOME LOANS, INC. <br />SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST BY MERGER TO FLEET MORTGAGE CORP. <br />On May 21st. 2002 <br />MULHEslant Secretary NO SEAL- WASHINGTON MtiTL1AL RANK, RA <br />is a Ccdccal associanum, a not -panne seal <br />is not required by any law or resolution. <br />STATE OF Wisconsin <br />COUNTY OF Milwaukee <br />On May 21st, 2002, before me, PAM KARLE, a Notary Public in and for Milwaukee County, in the Stale of <br />Wisconsin, personally appeared JULIE MULHERN, Assistant Secretary, personally known to me (or proved to me on <br />the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons) whose names) is /are subscribed to the within instrument and <br />acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their authorized capacity, and that by <br />his /her /their signature on the Instrument the pendants), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons) acted, <br />executed the instrument. <br />WITNESS Vand and < icial a/�l, <br />/l -LdL, �L -C.1� PAM KARLE <br />PAM KARLE NOTAfiY PUeUC STATE OF WISCONSIN <br />Notary Expires' 06/13/2004 <br />(This area for notarial seal) <br />Prepared By: Yell N. Turgul WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, F.A. 11200 WEST PARKLAND AVE, MILWAUKEE, WI 53224 <br />414- 359 -930 <br />When Recorded Please return to LEZ P O BOX 543, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br />Regional Trustee Services <br />720 7th Avenue Sohn 100 <br />Seattlq WA 99 104 <br />Attn: Reconveyance Division <br />'YNTYJURGUCaSIZVYOG2 1101 11 1M' wHmuolwnMUOOOOOOOaaa0000000109 ]8'N 1 nN11-.1112.r 6 NE.TIiE lsusl_SUa- <br />