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JUN -11 -2002 TUF 07:18 AM FAX N0. P 06/16 <br />2 <br />EXIT IRIT E 00206295 <br />MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />7Lcfollowingnrcaddendalothe Mongiige. Pleawchcekthcnpplicablcalldendum . 'nleaddendunl <br />drecluni shall be incorporated into, and recorded Wilk, the Mortgage. ]'he term "himtylgc" shall bC decnted to <br />include "Dcttl of 5'nrst," if applicable. <br />EFHA, USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENT and HUD ADDENDUM ONLY <br />'fHls TAX - EXEMPT FINANCING RIDER is made this l l day of JUNE, 2002 attd is incorpof :ncd into <br />and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Decd of'Fruq or Smrrity Deed ("Security <br />]ns(rumem') of the Santa daw given by the undersigned ('BORewei `) to secure faorrower's Now ( "Note') m <br />WELLS FARGO HONE MORTGAGE INC <br />( '1111CIC0 of Ilia &line dale and eo%ceng the properly described in the Sce inks, Instnment and located af. <br />112 WEST 20TH S'1' GRAND ISLAND NE <br />In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lenderfurlbor covenant <br />and agree Io mnend Paragraph 9 of the Model Mortgage Form, smiled "Grounds for Acceleration of Debi asby <br />adding addihimlal grounds for accdCratinn as follows' <br />Lander, or such of its successors or assigns as may be separate instmmlam assume responsibility For <br />ysumtg compliance by the Borrower with the provisions of this Tux - Exempt Financing Rider, may require <br />imnndiare payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument if, <br />(;) All or part critic Property is sold or mheniiw, transferred by Borrmver to a <br />purchaser or other lransferecr <br />(I) Who carol reasonably be expected to occupy the property ns a principal <br />Residence within a reasonable time after the sale or Iransfra all as presided in <br />Section 133(e) and (I)(2) of the Intents] Rn,cuue Code; or <br />(ii) Who has had a present ownership interest in a principal Rcsidcnce during any <br />pelt of the dirce,year period ending on the date of the sale or transfer, all as <br />Provided in Section (3 43(d) slid (1)(2) oft Inteml Revenue Code (except Ihat <br />1011 percenl' shall be Svhstituled for "95 perccnt or more" whem the lallcr <br />appears in Section 143(d)(1)); or <br />(110 At anatquis(Iiclim, which is greaterthan 9upercent of file avcragoarcu <br />purchil, price (gmmer diao 110 percent lot utrgetod area Residences), ell as <br />provided is Sect ion 143(c) and (1)(2) OP TILE Internal Revemte Code, or <br />(iv) Whohasa groesfaunlyfncomc in excess Ofthe applieabhe percentage of <br />applicable median team], income as provided in Salton 143(f) and 0)(7) at file <br />Internal Revere Coda or <br />(b) Bometacr fails to occupy the properly described in the Security instmmenl wdWmd prior <br />wrillcn couscnt of Lcoder or its &ucMSSOIS or assigns described at the beginning of this <br />Tax - Exempt Financing Rider; or <br />(C) Bomnwcr omits or maXTCpreSCmS a Get ilia I IS mulci ial milli respect to the provisions or <br />Section 143 of the Intel 11,11 Relines Code is an application for Ilia loam secured by (his <br />St%tuily Instrument. <br />
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