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of Aocrowvr's covenants and agreeene rs under this Security lunruntent and the Note. For this purpose. IRCrower <br />irrevocably grants and conveys to the Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located <br />m HALL County, Nebraska: <br />TAT TNEraTY FIVE (26), ELOCF. ONE (1) , MNICRREM ADDITION TO THE CITY OP GRAND <br />ISIT+ND, HALL COUNTY, NEERASRA. <br />THIS IE A PURCHASE MONEY SECURITY INSTRUMENT. <br />TAY STATEMENTS SHOULD HE SENT TO: WELLS FARGO ROME MORTGAGE, IRC— P.O. BOX <br />5137, DES HOINES, IA 503065137 <br />which has the address of 113 WEST 20TH ST, GRAND ISLAM l5i"o. Cipb <br />Nebraska 68801 I2ipev,II (°Propeny Address "); <br />'TOGETHER WITH all the heprovcntents now or hereafter erected on the property, and all caseMents, <br />apptnienentxs aid fixtures now or hereafter a pan of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be <br />covered by this Security Instrumit. All of the fonpunig is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." <br />BOR ROWER COVENANTS That Borrower is lawfully sch d of the estate hereby conveyed and has the rich( to <br />grain cold romey the Property and that die Prop Try is unencurdlered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower <br />warrants lid will defend generally the tide to The properly against all claim and demands, ,subject to any <br />encumbrances of record. <br />'THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT eomblnes uniform covenants for national use acrd non- uniform covenants <br />with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a umlOM sterility insnwnent covering real property. <br />Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. <br />1. f vym n, of principal, Interest and Late Charge. Borrower shall pay when duo, tiro principal of, and <br />interest oil, the debt evidenced by the Note and late charges due under the Note. <br />2. Monthly Payment of Taxes, Insurance and Other Charges. Borrower shall include in each mutely <br />payim:nl, together with the principal and interest as set forth in the Note and any late charges, a sum for (a) taxes and <br />speeinl It ressments levied or to be levied against die Property, ro) leasehold paytnems or ground mats oil Ile <br />Property, and (C) premiums for insurance required under puagraph 4. In any year in which the Lender must pay a <br />mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban pevelopment ( "Secretary "), or in any year in <br />which such pnaniwn w'ouid have been required if Letuler still held the Security Instrument, each monthly payment <br />shall also include either: (i) a sum for the annual mortgage insurance premmm to be Paid by l.curl&r to the Secretary, <br />or (ii) a nwnthly charge instead of a mortgage insurance premium it this Security Instmmrnt is held by the Secretary, <br />in a reasonable amount to be determined by dte Secretary. Except for the monthly charge by the Sceretuy, these <br />items are called "Escrow Items" and the sums paid to Lender are called "Escrow Rmds." <br />Lender may. at any tine, collect and hold amounts for escrow hems in an aggregate: samurai not to exceed the <br />maaimunt atiount that may be required for Borrower's escrow account under the Real Estate ScDdewern Procedures <br />Act of 1774, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq. and implementing regulations, 24 CFR Part 3500, as they clay be <br />area ndcd from time to t(mc ( "RESPA "), except that the cushion or resc vC perntiUeld by RESPA for unanticipated <br />disbursemcnLS or disbursearients before the Borrower's paytrxnts are available in die account may not be based tin <br />amounts lue for the mortgage insurance premium. <br />�4RIWn) �ssm� <br />x <br />i.e.]elE <br />KIM 'd 'ON XH WV Ob 90 11 MR-11-NM <br />