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200206283 <br />The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW.SFh), excepting the <br />right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad Ccapany, also excepting a <br />certain tract deeded to the State of Nebraska, as recorded in Deed <br />Record 123, Page 31, in Section Thirty -one (31), in Township Ten (10) , <br />North, Range Twelve (12), west of the Sixth P.M. and <br />The West Half (wj) of Section Thirty -one (31), in Township Ten (10) <br />North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., except a stria of land <br />lying across the West Half and across the Southwest CAuarter of the South- <br />east Quarter, all in Section 31, 7bwnship 10 North, Range 12, west of the <br />6th P.M., described as follows: Referring to the Southwest corner of said <br />Section 31; thence easterly on the south line of said Section 31 a distance <br />of 490.5 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing assterly on the <br />last described course a distance of 1,363.6 feet to a point on the north- <br />westerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Cmpany; thence <br />northeasterly on said Railroad canpany's northwesterly right of way line a <br />distance of 2,255.1 feet, mre or less, to the point on the east line of <br />the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 31; thence <br />northerly on said east line a distance of 21.45 feet; thence southwesterly <br />on a line 20.0 feet northwesterly from and parallel to said Railroad Com- <br />pany's northwesterly right of way line a distance of 1,678.5 feet to point <br />of curvature; thence continuing southwesterly on a 3,175.4 radius curve to <br />the right (initial tangent of which coincides with the last described course <br />produced) a distance of 1,181.4 feet to point of tangency said point being <br />13.5 feet northerly frmi said south line; thence westerly, tangent, a dis- <br />tance of 527.4 feet to a point of curvature said point being 11.5 feet <br />northerly f= said south line; thence continuing westerly on a 2,390.3 foot <br />radius curve to the left (initial tangent of which coincides with the last <br />described course produced) a distance of 218.9 feet, mare or less, to the <br />point of beginning, cont ixiLng 2.11 acres, more or less, which includes 0.63 <br />acre, more or less, previously occupied as a public highway, the reoain ng <br />1.48 acres, more or less, being the additional acreage hereby secured. <br />SUBJECT TO the unpaid balance, including any past -due interest, not to exceed <br />$130,000.00 on the present mortgages to: Federal land Bank of $80,000.00 and <br />mail Business adninistration of $50,000.00. <br />
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