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IN WITNESS W HEREO <br />(SEAL) <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />)ss <br />Its Instrument to be executed on the date set out in the acknowledgment. <br />AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee <br />By Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA <br />Its Agent td Attorney -in -Fact, <br />By 7. 5 tom✓ <br />D Law <br />e Prc.udent <br />On this 71h clay of ,June, 2002, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared .Joseph D. Law, being by me personally <br />known, and only sworn, did say that he Is Vice - President of the corporation executing the foregoing instrument; that the <br />seal affixed to the instrument Is the seal of the corporation, that the instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of the <br />corporation by authority of Its board of directors; as agent and attorney -In -fact for, and on behalf of, AgAmerica, FCB, <br />Trustee, as principal; and he acknowledged the execution of the instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the <br />principal, the agent and attorney -in -fact, and him. <br />(SEAL) GENERAL NOTARY. Suit of III <br />ELIZABETH A. I <br />Mr CO.. Fit Io mh 7,1006 <br />ElzaouthA Krtu <br />Ndlary Public In and for Said County arid Sale <br />My commission expires March 7, 2006. <br />z <br />> <br />Ul <br />CTJ <br />N <br />� <br />6 <br />/aG <br />- - ono write above line-recorderuse orrly <br />FORM <br />11Y1'1 n9' <br />RETURN TO FAKM CREDIT SERVICES OF AMERICA PO BOX b08O <br />PREPARFR: ELIZABETH KUTA GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 <br />CTL 2: 300 CTL 3. 220 Customer No 65180 Note No 202 <br />Farm Credit Services of America <br />TRUSTEE'S DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />Trustee: AgAmerica, FCB, successor -in- interest to the Farm Credit Bank of Omaha <br />Beneficiary: FARM CREDIT SERVICES OF AMERICA, FLCA, <br />Truster: ROBERT HORKY AKA ROBERT D HORKY AND CHRISTY J HORKY, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />Record Information: <br />County: HALL <br />Date Recorded. February 29, 1996 <br />Recorded 96- 101450 <br />At Beneficiary's request, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />Trustee <br />hereby grants, releases, and reconveys to Truster or the person(s) entitled thereto, all right, title, and Interest of the <br />TFUSIP.e acquired by virtue of the above- mentioned Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents in and to the following property: <br />SE' /<SE'/43 -13, T 12, R -10 W 61° PM <br />NE' /. of Section 24, township 12N, Range 10W 6"1 PM more particularcy described <br />As per attached Exhibit A incorporated herein by this reference <br />IN WITNESS W HEREO <br />(SEAL) <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF HALL <br />)ss <br />Its Instrument to be executed on the date set out in the acknowledgment. <br />AgAmerica, FCB, Trustee <br />By Farm Credit Services of America, FLCA <br />Its Agent td Attorney -in -Fact, <br />By 7. 5 tom✓ <br />D Law <br />e Prc.udent <br />On this 71h clay of ,June, 2002, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared .Joseph D. Law, being by me personally <br />known, and only sworn, did say that he Is Vice - President of the corporation executing the foregoing instrument; that the <br />seal affixed to the instrument Is the seal of the corporation, that the instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of the <br />corporation by authority of Its board of directors; as agent and attorney -In -fact for, and on behalf of, AgAmerica, FCB, <br />Trustee, as principal; and he acknowledged the execution of the instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the <br />principal, the agent and attorney -in -fact, and him. <br />(SEAL) GENERAL NOTARY. Suit of III <br />ELIZABETH A. I <br />Mr CO.. Fit Io mh 7,1006 <br />ElzaouthA Krtu <br />Ndlary Public In and for Said County arid Sale <br />My commission expires March 7, 2006. <br />