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on D ry c V. o rrl <br />m N <br />1 <br />O O co O O <br />MM <br />s DF.F.D OF RF,CONVF,YANCF. <br />W <br />10:O:ti ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 200206166 <br />THAT WHEREAS, a Dcel of Trust has been executed by Archie D. Lind and Joyce Lind, <br />trusters, to Farmers State Bank of Silver Creek, Trustee, and Farmers Slate Bank of Silver Creek, <br />Beneficiary, and recorded October 15, 211111, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, <br />Nebraska, as Instrument No. 0200110459 of the Mortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and said <br />Beneficiary has requested in writing that this Deed of Reeonveyance be executed and delivered as <br />confirmed by the endorsement below; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with the request of the Beneficiary named therein, the <br />undersigned as trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey in the person or <br />persons entitled therein all the interest and estate derived to said 'I'rustee by or thlnugh said Deed of Trust <br />in the following described premises but only as to such premises: <br />The Northerly Forty -Four (44) feel of Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) in Block Fourteen (14) of <br />Schimmers Addition to the City of Crand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />TOGETHER WITH ALL buildings, fixtures, improvcmcr.Ls, and appurtenances belonging to <br />such premises. <br />DATED: June 5, 2002 <br />FARMERS -S�'E: BANK OF SILVER CREEK <br />Lrk 1X (} <br />State of Nebraska <br />County of Merrick <br />Ronald R. Hajek, President of Farmers State Bank of Silver Creek, 2i' & Vine Streets, Silver <br />Creek, Nebraska, a corporation, on behalf of the corporation, acknowledged the foregoing Deed of <br />Reconveyance before me, the undersigned notary public. <br />Witness m}' hand and notarial seal on _ _ .�j _.2002. <br />GENERAL NOTARY -Slide of Nebraska / <br />CHURCH i�Vy,}h,F(Z,, iahP 1 <br />My camm. Exn. FeN. t2, 2ooE T Notary Public <br />REQUEST FOR DEED OF RF.CONVF,YANCF. <br />Ronald R. Hajek, President of Fanners State Bank of Silver Creek, Silver Creek, Nebraska, the <br />Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust executed October 5, 2001, by Archie D. Lind and Joyce Lind hereby <br />requests the above Rcconveyancc of the Deed. <br />FARMERS SFIT. BANK OF SILVER CREEK <br />By: _,z t/ <br />Ben c ciary �� ?%— <br />