<br />DATED this day of j
<br />� aka , 2002•
<br />Steffi A.-Swanson, tee
<br />Steffi A. Swanson, P.C., L.L.O.
<br />1308 Galvin Road South
<br />Bellevue, Nebraska 68005
<br />Tel. (402) 292 -7700
<br />) ss
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
<br />L4,� day of �)'A ", 2002, by Steffi A. Swanson, Trustee.
<br />GENERAL NOIAPY 1, 4 �p C C O�
<br />Slab of Nebfaslu otary Public
<br />My COMM Eap. Jum 10, 2001
<br />Pries,, Polio, Nmisr
<br />Adomeys, ldr 9,,r pmfemionals who advise m persrnal F iid —.,s, + mgoimd by. w federal law to inform Weir clime of their policies
<br />fv,a,dmg privacy of cliwl lnfo,mabm_ Auomeyslmve loran end —fied. to be bound by proPossionel al -Jsrd, 4 ,fidwnoliry Nat. rrm more mi'ent
<br />Men Noee .Nired by this new lsw. nw.fmq we hav, alwnya prWC - your 11111 m Privacy.
<br />In the coul. of providi,g our climb with m w,r bx, .. b; and gift bx advice, we w n,ws.s pr —.1 fin—id infomution from our cfirnb.
<br />If you RM a client of Slelfi A. Swenson, Is C., L.L.O., you shavld knew Nnl all Nat we mails from you is held m confid.,., and ie ved roWaed
<br />W prople outride Ns pnm, c cep, es agreed to by ye.,- u ,uimd uudll m 11k.1,11 Iaw.
<br />We robin rocorda selmNg to pmfe...11 -1 se-vises Net we provide so Nat we are better able 1a.said you woh y-, profeeeiand needs and b, some Isere, m
<br />anply with pl fiossiaWg Misses. hi oMe, w guard year nmpnhfr pcmmul infomution, we deiMam Physical, e11111 -e, sell pr,wNural eafegmNe Nat
<br />canply with our pmfessi,.,+l .rtandards.
<br />Cnlladinn N.,1ke
<br />We see mp,i,d by federal ebmm to advise ya, Net we see a debt oollmu.. ... d we as aucmPting to calkcl a deb, Any mi.— I .... .. btoned will be used
<br />for Nat purpose.
<br />-2-
<br />