<br />"n
<br />----------------------- ISPACEABOVE THIS LIN I'_ FOR RECORDING DA IAf -- - - - - --
<br />You are hereby notified that Michacl E Brooks and Dorinc K_ Brooks. as husband acd wife. as
<br />�C
<br />Tntstors, did on or about September 19, 1994, make, execute and deliver unto Columbus Federal Savings
<br />Bank, 'I7ustee, a Deed of 'I lust wherein said Trustors conveyed the following- described real property.
<br />Lot Twenty -Two (22), in Block Four (4), in Ashton Place, an Addition to
<br />die ('r, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />as security for repayment of a loan which the Trustors obtained from Columbus Federal Savings Bank.
<br />Bcnetictay of said Dccd nt Tntsl which was iccordcd on September 20, 1994, in the office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of I fall County, Nebraska. as Insironteat No. 9y1- 107744_
<br />On or about September 21, 1994, Columhus Federal Savings Bank. Beneficiary, assigned all of its
<br />right, title and beneficial interest in the Decd of (just to Principal Residential Morteaca_ Inc the
<br />Assignment was recorded September 28, 1994, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall Count},
<br />Nebraska, as Instrument No. 94- 108031,
<br />Camille R. Hawk, Attorney at I.aw, has been appointed Successor Trustee, purmranl to 1 Snby,JlU lion
<br />of Trustee filed for record with the Register of Deeds of Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />You are further notified that there has occurred e. breach of an obligation of the Trustors fnr which
<br />the Trust property was conveyed as security, to -wit, that the Trustors have failed to pay the Beneficiary
<br />payments that were contractually due.
<br />You are further notified that the Beneficiary has elected to declare the entire unpaid principal
<br />balance. top
<br />,ether with interest thereon, at once duc and payable, and the 'Iru,tee has elected to sell or cause
<br />to he sold the real property described in said Deed of Trust to SatiSR seid obligation.
<br />DATED: Juno 3. 2002).
<br />KII I is
<br />ht-, aid L Sohon 1311 nld Boon V( 110 0
<br />Ilr 0(olitbmu Sl r Sulrnd00
<br />U I �'F 631 �I rN
<br />ss.
<br />Camille R. I Iawk, Attorney at Law, Successor l rustec.
<br />R:.
<br />Camille R. Hawk 02 e s)
<br />P.C, L.I. O.
<br />13220 California Street, Suilc 400
<br />Omaha, NE 68154 -5228
<br />(402) 342 -1000
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before on, a notary public by Camille R. Hawk on
<br />June 3, 2002.
<br />Notary Pu is f �/
<br />80540 -1
<br />CENERgt NOTARY. yy,� 0/ NeOraslm
<br />67YCoB M,, l to N7fiNBROCK
<br />�P. Jun020.2003
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<br />200206118
<br />----------------------- ISPACEABOVE THIS LIN I'_ FOR RECORDING DA IAf -- - - - - --
<br />You are hereby notified that Michacl E Brooks and Dorinc K_ Brooks. as husband acd wife. as
<br />�C
<br />Tntstors, did on or about September 19, 1994, make, execute and deliver unto Columbus Federal Savings
<br />Bank, 'I7ustee, a Deed of 'I lust wherein said Trustors conveyed the following- described real property.
<br />Lot Twenty -Two (22), in Block Four (4), in Ashton Place, an Addition to
<br />die ('r, of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />as security for repayment of a loan which the Trustors obtained from Columbus Federal Savings Bank.
<br />Bcnetictay of said Dccd nt Tntsl which was iccordcd on September 20, 1994, in the office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of I fall County, Nebraska. as Insironteat No. 9y1- 107744_
<br />On or about September 21, 1994, Columhus Federal Savings Bank. Beneficiary, assigned all of its
<br />right, title and beneficial interest in the Decd of (just to Principal Residential Morteaca_ Inc the
<br />Assignment was recorded September 28, 1994, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall Count},
<br />Nebraska, as Instrument No. 94- 108031,
<br />Camille R. Hawk, Attorney at I.aw, has been appointed Successor Trustee, purmranl to 1 Snby,JlU lion
<br />of Trustee filed for record with the Register of Deeds of Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />You are further notified that there has occurred e. breach of an obligation of the Trustors fnr which
<br />the Trust property was conveyed as security, to -wit, that the Trustors have failed to pay the Beneficiary
<br />payments that were contractually due.
<br />You are further notified that the Beneficiary has elected to declare the entire unpaid principal
<br />balance. top
<br />,ether with interest thereon, at once duc and payable, and the 'Iru,tee has elected to sell or cause
<br />to he sold the real property described in said Deed of Trust to SatiSR seid obligation.
<br />DATED: Juno 3. 2002).
<br />KII I is
<br />ht-, aid L Sohon 1311 nld Boon V( 110 0
<br />Ilr 0(olitbmu Sl r Sulrnd00
<br />U I �'F 631 �I rN
<br />ss.
<br />Camille R. I Iawk, Attorney at Law, Successor l rustec.
<br />R:.
<br />Camille R. Hawk 02 e s)
<br />P.C, L.I. O.
<br />13220 California Street, Suilc 400
<br />Omaha, NE 68154 -5228
<br />(402) 342 -1000
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before on, a notary public by Camille R. Hawk on
<br />June 3, 2002.
<br />Notary Pu is f �/
<br />80540 -1
<br />CENERgt NOTARY. yy,� 0/ NeOraslm
<br />67YCoB M,, l to N7fiNBROCK
<br />�P. Jun020.2003
<br />