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200206078 <br />Unless otherwise agreed in waling. all insurance proceeds shall he applied to the restoration or repair of the Pro[crty or to <br />the Secured Debt, whether or not then due_ at Bcncfic iary's option. Any application of proceeds to pancipa 'hall not <br />extend or postpone the due date of the scheduled payment nor change the amount of any payment Any excess will be ppaid <br />to the Grantor. If tie Property is acquired by Beneficiary, Imvtor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulline, <br />from damage to the Property before the acquisition shall parr to Beneficiary to the extent of the Secured Debt immediately <br />before the sequo,umu_ <br />20. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement, Trustor will not be <br />required to pay to Beneficiary funds fur [axes and insurance in escrow. <br />21. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. "frusmr will provide to BenefieWO upon request, any <br />financial statement or information Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Trustor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any <br />additional documents or certlfmafions that Beneficiary may consider necessary to perfect, continue, mid preserve Grantor's <br />obligations under this Security Instrument and Beneficiary's lien status on the Property. <br />22.. JOIN 'I AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY; C I- SIGNERS; SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS ROUND. All duties under <br />this Security Instrument are joint and individual It I ustor sonis this Security Instrument but does not sign an evidence of <br />debt, -1 rusfor does so only to mortgage Trust r s interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustor <br />does not agree to he personally liable on the Secured Debt If this Security Instrument secures a guarmny between <br />Beneficiary and Trustor, Truster agrees to waive any ',flits that may prevent Beneficiay Four bringing any action or claim <br />against 'liustor or any party inrrebted under the oh ganon. These rights may me ude, but are nut limited to, any <br />anti- deficiency or one -action laws. Trustor agrees' that Beneficiary and any party to this Security Ins torment may extend. <br />ahoduy or make an} change to the terms of this Sccurily Instrument or any evidence of debt without I rustor's consent. <br />Such a chance wdl not ecicave Trustor from the terms .(it,,, Sccurily Instrument. The duties and henefits of this Security <br />Instrument Amll bind and benefit the suuccaems and assigns of I instor and Beneficial. <br />23. APPLICABLE, LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. nits Security Instrument is governed by the laws of the <br />jurisdiction in which Rencficiary is located, except to the extent otherwise required b the laws of thejurisdiclion where the <br />Property is located. This Securty Instrument is complete and fitly integrated. This Security Instrument may not be <br />amended or modified by oral agreement Any suction to this Security.Isstrument, attachments. of any agreement related to <br />the Secured Debt that cnnfltcts with applicable law will not he effective, unless that law expressly or implicdly permits the <br />cariattons by written agreement If any section of this Section) Instrument cannot be enforced according to its terms, that <br />section will he sev,ned� and will not affect the enfnrecability of the remainder of this Security Instrument W7henever used, <br />the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular_ The captions and headings of the sections of this Security <br />Instrument are for convenience only and arc not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Secm ity Instrument Time <br />is of the essence to this Security Instrument <br />24. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's option, may front time to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br />succcvsnr trustee without any other formality than the designation in writing. The successor trustee, without conveyance of <br />the Property, shall succeed to all the title, power and dubcs conferred upon trustee by this Security Instrument and <br />applicable law_ <br />25, NOTICE. Unless otherwise required by Imv, any notice shall he given by dcltvcrine it or by mailing it by first class mail to <br />the approprinte party's address on page I of this Security Instrument, or to any other address designated in writing. Notice <br />to one truster will he decmcd to be notice to all nvstors. <br />26. WAIVERS. Lxcept to the extent prohibited by Imv, 75ustor waives all appmiswneut and homestead exemption rights <br />relating to the Properly. <br />27. O'1'l1ER TERMS. if checked, the following arc applcahle to this Security Instrument <br />Line of Credit. The Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision. Although the Secured Debt may be <br />reduced to a zero balance, this Security Instrument will remain in effect until released. <br />((instruction Loan. This Security Instrument care, an obligation incurred for the construction of rah <br />improvanenl ou the Properly. <br />Fixture Filing. Trustor grants to Bcncficiary a security interest in all goods that Grantor owns now or in the fbnu'e <br />and that are or will become fixtures re mod to the Property. This Security Instrument suffices as a financing <br />statement and any carbon, photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes of Article 9 of <br />the Uniform Commercial Code <br />I Riders. The cm- enants and agreements of Inch of lire riders checked below are incorporated tnlo and supplement <br />end amend the terms of this Security Insnument. [Check all applicable boxesl <br />I Coudomahium Rider Plumed Unit Development Rider _ Other <br />Additional Terms. <br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, Trustor agrees to the terms and covchmhis contained tin this Security Instrument and tm any <br />atachmculs. Trustor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrument on the date Stated ou page I. <br />fSignsum) DpLF R CHTHRTZ llumd (tiirnawry tDiao <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT: ��� <br />SIAILOr %yP(' //I -�ilzt <br />" "' doll I Shia fast oitvygs acA)hpiy -I of of before me this <br />Myc, 11 on expires', -4,JP g,/, Z602 <br />GENERAL NOIARY -State of Nebraska <br />II GAIL BRUMMUND <br />My Comm. Eap. W. 24, 2002 <br />COUNTY OF s41oll <br />/'- day of e7ol <br />Nnlury YuM1LCI <br />s, . <br />tsss..eea..s e:wli roan RCLriJe 1117 3l (page d of AJ <br />®- C166(NE) msoe, o' <br />or <br />