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Exhibit "A" <br />Legal Description 200206066 <br />All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, being known <br />and designated as metes and bounds property as more fully described in Instrument No. <br />95- 106960, recorded 10/13/95. <br />Commonly Known As: 404 N 1 ST <br />Tax ID: 400183269 <br />Port of Lot 7.1' the County Subdivision of Pan of the south halfof section 5, Township 9 North, Runge 9 West ofthe <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nchmska, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 28.1 feet West <br />of the Northeast comer of said Wt 7, thence running southerly along and upon a line 28.01 feet West of and parallel <br />to the East line of said Wt 7, a distance of 181.0 feet; them running Westerly paallel to the Nonh line of said Lot 7, <br />a distance of 327.0 feet, thence running Northerly inimilel to the East line of said Ins 7, a distance of 181.0 fcct <br />thence running Easterly along and upon the North line of said W 7, a distance of327.0 fie[ to place of beginning. <br />b23433 -1 <br />