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200206065 <br />(P) "Periodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interest under the <br />Note, plus (It) any amnunla under Section 3 of this Security Instrument. <br />(Q) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. Section 2601 ct seq.) and its <br />Implementing regulation, Regulation X (24 C.F.A. Par( 3500). as they might be amended from time to <br />time, many additional or successor legislation or regulation that governs the same subject natter. As used <br />in this Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers to all requirements and restrictions Out are imposed in regard <br />to a "federally related mmigage roan" even if the Loan does not qualify as a "federally related mortgage <br />loan" under RESPA. <br />(R) "Successor in Interest of Borrower" means any party that has taken title to the Pnoperty. whether or <br />out [hat party has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and /or this Security Instrument. <br />TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY <br />Tire beneficiary of this Security Instrument is MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and <br />Lender's successors and assigns) and the successors and assigns of MFRS. This Security <br />Instrument secures to Lender: (i) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals. extensions <br />and modifications of the Note; and (it) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under <br />this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose. Burrower ilrevmably grants and <br />conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale„ the following described property located in the <br />County of )M MXXX HALL <br />Hype d lk-O imt J.dwhcnaal IName "f Rmxbinxhai"aiaonl <br />All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Hall, State of <br />Nebraska, being known and designated as metes and bounds property as more <br />fully described in Instrument No. 95- 106960, recorded 10/13/95. <br />commonly shown Aar 404 N. 1 ST <br />Tax iD 400163269 <br />Part of Lot 7 of the County Subdivision of putt ofthe South half of Section 5, Township 9 North, Range 9 West ofthe <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows, lo-wit Beginning at a point 28.1 feel West <br />ofthe Northeast comer of said Lot 7, thence running Southerly along and upon a line 28.01 feet West ofi nd parallel <br />to (he East lim of said Lot 7, a distance of 181.0 feet; thence running Westerly parallel to the North line of said Lot 7, <br />a distance of 327.0 feet, thence running Northerly parallel to the East line of said LM 7, a distance of 181.0 fat; <br />thence running Easterly along and upon the North line of said W 7, a distance of 327.0 feet to place of beginning <br />Parcel ID Number: 400183269 which currently has the address of <br />404 N 1 St, IsuO'tl <br />['oniphan nTyi, Nebraska aaerz ssso 121p CAA <br />( "Property Address'): <br />TOGETHER WITH all the Improvements now or hereafter cremed on the property, and all <br />easements, appurtenances, and futures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and <br />additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. AB of the foregoing is referred to In this <br />Security Instrument as the "Property." Borrower understands and agrees gat MFRS holds only legal title <br />to the interest granted by Burrower in this Security Instrument, but, if necessary to comply with law or <br />custom, MERS (as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns) has the right: to exercise any <br />or all of those Interests, including, but not limited lo, the right no foreclose and sell the Property' and to <br />take any action required of Lender including, but not limited m, releasing and canceling this Security <br />IrethosenL <br />- -z / <br />8a(w) moos) ss.ra,s Form 9020 1101 <br />