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N rrt <br />N A1. <br />r. h <br />o <br />m <br />tv <br />N <br />FP <br />20020606 <br />Deed of <br />Reconvevance <br />That certain Deed of Trust to WELLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TRUST LL, given by <br />CORDON R DESEL AND DEIRDRE R DESEL H/W . <br />- TRUSTOR, which is dated <br />October 1 1995 , and recorded in the office of the register of dells of HALL County, Nebraska, on <br />October IS 1998 , as Instrument No. 98- 110059 to Book ]'age ofthe <br />Records, covering certain real estate described as follows: <br />THE NORTH 81.2 OF LOT ONE AND "IHE NORTH 81.2 OF THE EAST ONE -HALF OF LOf TWO <br />BLOCK TWO DODD AND MARSHALL ADDITION TO THE VILLAGE OF WOOD RIVER HALL <br />COUNTY NEBRASKA <br />is, together with the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, fully paid and satisfied. <br />WLLLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NATIONAL. ASSOCIATION, 'I RUSTF.E, does hereby remise, release mid quitclaim <br />unto <br />the person or persons entitled thereto, all the right, title, and interest which it has under and by virtue of said Deed of Trust in <br />and to the said real estate in the Deed of Trust particularly doewtibed, reference to which is hereby made for greater continuity. <br />'I'O IIAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together withal I and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging forever. <br />AND FURTHER, that said Decd orTtust is, by these presents to be considered as fully and absolutely released, cancelled and <br />forever discharged. <br />Dated this 23RD day of <br />ATTEST': <br />S A F, OF NEW MEXICO <br />COUNTY OF BERNALILLO <br />MAY, 2002 <br />Wells Fargo Bank Nchmska, f /k/a F<�N.t� Point <br />By: JENNIFER IAZZA Its: AUTHORIZED REPRE�EN A <br />t <br />s <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a Notary Public, on this 23RD day of MAY <br />2002 by JENNIFER LAZZARI AUTHORIZED RF.PRESENTA'I'IVE <br />Of WLLLS FARGO BANK NEBRASKA, NA'I'IONAI. ASSOCIATION, TRUSTEE, a national banking association, on behalf <br />of said association. <br />(SEAL) Prepared By: JENNIFER LAZZARI ZV�UC 359095620001 ILA .•ts OConsumer Loan Servicing Center Notary Public) 3 P.O. Box 933ft0 ) *U Alhuquerque, NM 87199 -3380 My Couuuissio av <br />